A Rebel Christmas Carol – December 2024

Autumn was dead, to begin with. As true as that may be, it now means that Winter and Christmas are getting into full swing! With this in mind, the Party Planning Committee has returned with this year’s Christmas party! Read on to find out all about A Rebel Christmas Carol!

From December 16 until December 22, the Rebel Penguin Federation will be overtaken by tales of Scrooge and his Christmas Ghosts (in muppet form!). The exclusive Rebelneezer Scrooge role will also be up for grabs! With all of this in mind, this party is set to be jam packed full of fun and festive merriment!

Scrooge’s Paths

In order to gain the Rebelneezer Scrooge role, you’ll need to complete two of the three sections of Scrooge’s Path (Past, Present, and Future) AND attend the Christmas Chaos Final. For every task you complete, you will be awarded 200 Rebel Cash, and if you complete every single task, you will gain an additional 1000 Rebel Cash. It is up to you which two paths you attempt to complete, but you need to attend the battle to get the role! They can be found as follows


1. Contribute to the Art Column
2. Attend a breakday event
3. Have a Christmas PFP/name


1. Attend a regular event (non-battle)
2. Enter the Contest
3. Fill in the Christmas Form


1. Donate at least 2000 Rebel Cash to Rebel Cash for Change
2. Complete the Tuxedo Times Puzzle
3. Vote in an RBT poll

If you have any questions about the format of Scrooge’s Path, please feel free to reach out to a member of the Party Planning Committee for clarification! If you’re unsure who is a member of the team, use the command .inrole Party Planning Committee in the #bots channel!

Past Present and Future Form

To get into the Christmas Spirit, PPC has prepared a form for you to complete, asking you to think about your favourite festive things! If you don’t celebrate Christmas, then feel free to use a holiday you do celebrate instead! The form can be found here!

Altered Schedule

Due to the upcoming Christmas Chaos Final, a number of this week’s events will double up as training sessions meaning any activity events (e.g. game tourneys) will begin after a full 30 minutes of tactics. The week’s event schedule has also had a slight shake up. For guidance on this, an updated schedule for the week is included below!

Monday: Breakday
Tuesday: EU
Wednesday: US
Thursday: EU
Friday: EU
Saturday: CCXIV Finals (3pm EST/8pm UK)
Sunday: Breakday

If you have any questions regarding this schedule, please get in touch with a member of HCOM!

That’s all for now! We hope you enjoy spending the week getting festive and participating in the party! If you have any questions regarding the party, please don’t be shy to reach out to a member of the Party Planning Committee for help!

Thank you to Ohasa for the Server Banner, Icon, and Title GFX, and gabgeirl for Scrooge’s Path.

~Party Planning Committee~


it's my breakdown i get to choose the soundtrack

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