ART COLUMN – 05/05/21

Welcome to the thirtieth edition of the Art Column, where our reporters (currently Yvng, YipYorp, and Cracked) see and critique pieces in the #art channel and choose which to feature from members of the Rebel Penguin Federation.

By definition, “art” can be best described as…

“…the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”

Due to this, the Art Column’s purpose is to promote all types of art. This includes whether it’s digital or physical, something you can hear or something you can see, and even if it’s RPF related or not. However, please do also keep in mind due to so many members in our group, not everyone will get recognized each week. Nonetheless, we hope you enjoy our weekly gallery and keep creating!

Featured Artist

”Lost in Paradise” by Justin, RPF Private

”I came up with a backstory for this piece in which a man crash-landed on a foreign planet. There’s a bit of tragedy involved, but he happened to be stranded in a beautiful island at least. I created this by painting in Photoshop, and I use a drawing tablet. I’d say it took a couple of hours, somewhere between 1 and 3 perhaps! I love seeing the artwork of vivid scenery, and since I always love putting lore/backstory behind my works, I wanted to create a piece that could inspire stories and bring feeling to the viewer! I also just wanted to play with the contrast between silhouette and color.”

Club Penguin & RPF Art

Being the Rebel Penguin Federation, we have to include art related to us in this post of course! Here are some Club Penguin & RPF-related art made by our fellow troops!

“CP Emotes” by ordeP, RPF Major General

“When I saw the theme of the are column, the second thing that I thought was about the CP emotes, i forgot about the E0, EU, and I’m probably forgetting another, anyway, I like using paint and playing CP, so this art is a fusion between these two things resulting emotions art. Guess, another Paintistic-age piece :slight_smile:
“Jet Pack Adventure” by starrrrrr, RPF Recruit
“Yep the title screen for Jet Pack Adventure except I decided to put pog shading in it and instead of the words “play” and “instructions” its “Join RPF” and “also join RPF >:D”
“New Hat Unlocked! Awesome.” by Jos, RPF Sergeant

Theme of the Week

In this segment, we will be announcing a different topic every week to challenge our artists and see what they come up with. If you would like to participate, post your art in #art with the hashtag we include here for a chance to be featured!
This week’s Theme of the Week was Emotions!

”Emotions” by Pie, RPF Major

“This piece was based of the game “omori” it shows Pie’s OC “Violet”(which is a cartoon styled version of herself) ‘s various emotions.”

” Inside out Pairings”, by JJSnowflake, RPF Colonel

“This is a random concept drawing I did of my Inside Out character pairings: Joy and Sadness, Anger and Disgust, and Fear just third-wheeling cause he’s probably too scared of relationships. I drew this digitally on the Autodesk Sketchbook app on my phone and it took about 4 days to complete it. I’m very happy with how it turned out!”

“Boiling Emotions” by Ariana, RPF Colonel

“So these three ofc represent the three most common emotions, anger, happiness, and sadness. Anger and Sadness are jealous of Happiness because he has the spotlight, which causes them to get boiling emotions! (get it because of the title :D)”

Thank you to everyone who submitted art!

Next week’s Theme of the Week is… Food! That’s right, we are going with something everyone loves, Food! Bring out your inner Foodie as we want you to think of Food for this one. Make sure to put #rpfacfood in the caption when you post your work if you would like to be featured here next week! Don’t forget: art includes drawings, music, photography, paintings, and more!

All art presented was given permission by their creators to be included in this post. Never steal or take credit for another person’s work!

Thanks for reading!
Yvng Baller – RBT Art Column Editor

Yvng Baller

Some guy was just like, ‘You rap fast, man. Like a little machine gun,' and from that moment, I was Lil Uzi.

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