Welcome to the thirteenth edition of the Art Column, where our reporters see and critique pieces in the #art channel and choose which to feature from members of the Rebel Penguin Federation.
By definition, “art” can be best described as…
“…the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”
Due to this, the Art Column’s purpose is to promote all types of art. This includes whether it’s digital or physical, something you can hear or something you can see, and even if it’s RPF related or not. However, please do also keep in mind due so many members in our group, not everyone will get recognized each week. Nonetheless, we hope you enjoy our weekly gallery and keep creating!
Featured Artist
“Fortune Teller” made by beetleteeth, RPF Brigadier General.
This week’s Featured Artist is Beetle!
Beetle earned this week’s Featured Artist with her mysterious and intriguing painting of a fortune teller! She used watercolor paint along with gouache in some places to give it a more solid color! She got the inspiration for it because of how much history there is behind fortune telling and tarot, and wanted to portray it! Beetle also had just finished the last season of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, and thought it would be cool to draw something related to it. Very cool! Make sure to congratulate Beetle when you see her in chat!
Club Penguin & RPF Art
Being the Rebel Penguin Federation, we have to include art related to us in this post of course! Here is some Club Penguin & RPF related art made by none other than our fellow troops!
“RPF Loom Bands Penguin”, made by yoshi, RPF Scout Medic.
Here, yoshi decided to make an RPF penguin out of loom bands! It has the full uniform, and even a separate black guitar! Yoshi really showed off her creative side, while also bringing back a lot of childhood memories.
“Touched by the Sky”, made by manxy, RPF Private.
This beautiful drawing was made by manxy! It shows a penguin, but with a sunset and clouds as its skin. The blending and artwork is so perfect, even Stu would be proud!
“CRUSH THOSE CLOVERS”, made by manxy, RPF Private.
Another drawing by manxy, we can see here an amazing drawing of an RPF penguin stomping a clover. This was made before we battled against ACP for the Fright or Fight tournament, but was colored after we won! We certainly crushed them!! #FTGF
Made by bručoun_saturn, RPF Colonel.
Saturn’s back again, this time with a person dressed in the RPF uniform. It dons the guitar, bandana, and even the black hoodie! Simple, but very cute!
Theme of the Week
In this segment, we will be announcing a different topic per week to challenge our artists and see the best they come up with. If you’d like to participate, post your art in #art with the hashtag we include here for a chance to be featured!
This week’s Theme of the Week was Covid!
We asked our artists, “How did COVID impact you, and what inspired you to come up with the drawing?” Here’s what they had to say, along with what they created!
“Confinement”, made by Ash 🌸, RPF Major General.
“Hiding”, made by novaaa, RPF Private First Class.
“Covid impacted me because I had to stay in my room more, and online school caused me to not see as many people that I usually do. During covid I have also improved mindset. My inspiration is just being in my room all day, doing school or being on my laptop, its kinda like a drawing because in drawings you cant move. Most people are just in their room during covid and sometimes it gets a bit boring.” – Nova
“Rpf VR”, made by Watts Up, RPF Master Sergeant.
“It was rough, but since covid hit i’ve done things I’d never done before, such as sharing my art and my music. And I’m not too sure, I just wanted to do something that I thought no one else would do or think of I guess.” – Watts
“Behind the Screen”, made by EssJay, RPF Captain.
“Covid forced me, like many, to take only classes and refrain from going outside as much as possible. This resulted in me being behind my laptop for classes and entertainment quite a lot. I even struggled with headaches because of the amount of time I spent behind a screen. I tried to depict the overwhelming brightness of a computer in this drawing.” – EssJay
“Covid: emotion thirsty”, made by MoonLemur, RPF Scout Medic.
“Covid inspired me to do the drawing cus it separated you from the outside world and family n stuff” – Lemur
Thank you to everyone who submitted art!
Next week’s Theme of the Week will be… Cartoon! We would love to see anything from a cartoon drawing style, all the way to an actual cartoon! Make sure to put #rpfaccartoon in the caption when you post your work if you’d like to be featured here next week! Don’t forget: art includes drawings, music, photography, paintings, and more! Be creative!
All art presented was given permission by their creators to be included in this post. Never steal or take credit for another person’s work!
Thanks for reading!
-RoyallySuperb, RBT Art Column Editor