Welcome to the fourteenth edition of the Art Column, where our reporters see and critique pieces in the #art channel and choose which to feature from members of the Rebel Penguin Federation.
By definition, “art” can be best described as…
“…the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”
Due to this, the Art Column’s purpose is to promote all types of art. This includes whether it’s digital or physical, something you can hear or something you can see, and even if it’s RPF related or not. However, please do also keep in mind due so many members in our group, not everyone will get recognized each week. Nonetheless, we hope you enjoy our weekly gallery and keep creating!
Featured Artist
“Bellissima Giornata” made by rosiee, RPF Brigadier General.
This week’s Featured Artist is Rosie!
Rosie earned this week’s Featured Artist with her jaw-dropping painting of a scene in Italy! She used acrylic paints and a graphite pencil to sketch out what the paining would look like before she began to paint it. In the exact words of Rosie: “I remember visiting family in italy a few years ago and seeing the beautiful canals in venice, and wanting to model my painting after those.” She then did a little research to find buildings and real places to base the painting off (to make it as realistic as possible). Cute little side note: ‘Bellissima Giornata’ means beautiful day in Italian! Anyways, make sure to congratulate Rosie when you see her in chat!
Club Penguin & RPF Art
Being the Rebel Penguin Federation, we have to include art related to us in this post of course! Here is some Club Penguin & RPF related art made by none other than our fellow troops!
“RPF wave”, made by Jess zr, Scout Medic.
Here, we have a drawing of the RPF penguin by Jess zr! While it may still be in progress, it still looks crazy good! It rocks one version of the RPF uniform and has one of its flippers up in a wave. Cosmo and Crazzy should be proud! <3
“RPF Hot Girl”, made by beetleteeth, RPF Brigadier General.
In this beautiful painting by beetle, it depicts a girl holding the RPF guitar, with a burning WV boat in the background. She’s also stepping on a dorito (correlated to our current relations with Water Vikings & the Doritos of CP). Amazing job! (RPF Hot Boy next..?? :redface:)
Theme of the Week
In this segment, we will be announcing a different topic per week to challenge our artists and see the best they come up with. If you’d like to participate, post your art in #art with the hashtag we include here for a chance to be featured!
This week’s Theme of the Week was Cartoon!
We asked our artists, “How was your art inspired by the theme Cartoon?” Here’s what they had to say, along with what they created!
“Dipper”, made by z3ming, RPF Lieutenant General.
“THE BLOODMOON BALL”, made by Yvng Baller, RPF Major General.
“ I would say i used to religiously watch star vs the forces of evil (still today my favorite cartoon show of all time) when i was younger and during quarantine i watched the whole show twice from start to finish like both times in three days. When I saw the theme for this week I knew I had to draw a picture from svtfoe because the show is just soooo good and i was inspired to draw something related to it. As for the picture its recreated from one of my favorite episodes of the series Blood Moon Ball. I dont want to spoil the episode but as you can tell by the picture it had to do with a dance lol. If you havent watched SVTFOE yet I like highly recommend it, like its sooo good.” – Yvng
“Rubber Hose Style”, made by ariana, RPF Colonel.
“My inspiration for the drawing was just the word “cartoon”. When I first saw the word I immediately thought of the 1920’s cartoons and how popular the art style was back then, and so that was my inspiration. The character I used in my drawing was my old OC back in 2017.” – ariana
“A Penguin in Different Styles”, made by manxy, RPF Corporal.
“The inspiration came from wanting to know what a club penguin avatar would look like in other iconic cartoon styles!” – manxy
“Faceless Sailor Moon”, made by nova, RPF Corporal.
“ i was inspired by my childhood, most of it was watching anime with my dad or just chilling out. sailor moon was kinda a inspiration to me.” – nova
Thank you to everyone who submitted art!
Next week’s Theme of the Week will be… Avatar! Going back to the Summer Olympics, this theme will be connected to the Avatar: The Last Airbender series. Whether it be Crazzy’s classic Azula pfps or anything related to the different elements or characters, we’d love to see it! Make sure to put #rpfacavatar in the caption when you post your work if you’d like to be featured here next week! Don’t forget: art includes drawings, music, photography, paintings, and more! Be creative!
All art presented was given permission by their creators to be included in this post. Never steal or take credit for another person’s work!
Thanks for reading!
-RoyallySuperb, RBT Art Column Editor