Art Column – 8/24/20

Welcome to the fifth edition of the Art Column, where our reporters see and critique pieces in the #art channel and choose which to feature from members of the Rebel Penguin Federation.

By definition, “art” can be best described as…

“…the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”

Due to this, the Art Column’s purpose is to promote all types of art. This includes whether it’s digital or physical, something you can hear or something you can see, and even if it’s RPF related or not. However, please do also keep in mind due so many members in our group, not everyone will get recognized each week. Nonetheless, we hope you enjoy our weekly gallery and keep creating!

Featured Artist

19th century Vanitas sculpture, made by Kiki, RPF Private.

This week’s featured artist is Kiki!

Kiki earned this week’s Featured Artist with her astounding graphite drawing! In this picture is a drawing of a 19th century Vanitas sculpture. Following that, her inspiration for this piece was to thank the anonymous artist for creating this sculpture that moved her in such a special way. Kiki expressed this tribute by creating it through realism and made sure she was very detail oriented in doing so. In the end, this piece took two days of work with Kiki’s excellent cross-hatching techniques. Without a doubt, her gorgeous tribute would make this artist proud. It’s definitely a stunner! Make sure to congratulate Kiki when you see her in chat!

Club Penguin & RPF Art

Being the Rebel Penguin Federation, we have to include art related to us in this post of course! Here is some Club Penguin & RPF related art made by none other than our fellow troops!

“Seven”, made by Scarlemagne, RPF Major.

Just like her Discord username, this piece named “Seven” made by Scarlemagne is of her own penguin. The details of the pink camouflage hoodie and metal flipper arm make this penguin so unique! Also, the hairstyle and pink color give off some cool vibes.

“Wanna Join A Cool Group?”, made by Jjsnowflake, RPF Colonel.

Here we have a cute recruiting penguin digital drawing made by Jjsnowflake. I think the cutest part about this is the propellor hat on the rubber duck! In this drawing, you can see the different common methods of recruiting in the past with the propellor hats, rubber ducks, and green hard hats. This is such a cute combination of them all!

Girl penguin, made by Ariana, RPF Corporal.

In this sketch, Ariana made a casual and cute looking penguin! This penguin’s clothes reminds me of sweater weather, which hopefully is coming soon to everyone who still have hot weather! Also, the slippers’ faces are adorable.

Theme of the Week

In this segment, a new topic will be announced per week to challenge our artists and see the best they come up with. If you’d like to participate, post your art in #art with the hashtag we include here for a chance to be featured!

This week’s Theme of the Week was Space!

We asked our artists, “how does your art represent space to you?” Here’s what they had to say, along with what they created!

“The New Frontier”, made by Toia, RPF Private First Class.

Well, this painting is a scene from Adventure Time, where one of the main characters had a croak dream where he’s in space with that banana man in the corner haha. The focus of the picture is the Cosmic Owl, which is basically an entity of that universe. He appears in dreams that will come true.” – Toia

“RPF in Space”, made by Rosievelvet, RPF Master Sergeant.

When I think of space I think of galaxies and stars (you know, the whole shebang), and also exploration! So in my art, I tried to capture that by including an RPF astronaut exploring the beauty of the galaxy. I also wanted to make it look like my hand was planting the RPF flag on the moon, as if RPF had been successful in their mission to land on the moon!” – Rosie

“Saturn”, made by Saturn, RPF Colonel.

It’s Saturn, that’s all I have to say.” – Saturn

(Pretty self explanatory!)

“Space Journey”, made by Morningstar, RPF Major.

“Since I was a kid, I always dreamed of going to space. I think it’s good to explore other planets because then you will see things that doesn’t exist on Earth. It will be a great experience somehow.. Also, I want to see the whole planet Earth. I wonder how it really looks like on the outside and to possibly have a chance to see some aliens would be cool lol.” – Morningstar

Thank you to everyone who submitted art!

Next week’s Theme of the Week will be… Floral!

There are plenty of different flowers across the globe! Due to this, we want to see your favorite florals! Make sure to put #rpfacfloral in the caption when you post your work in #art if you’d like to be featured here next week! Don’t forget: art includes drawings, music, photography, paintings, and more! Be creative!

All art presented was given permission by their creators to be included in this post. Never steal or take credit for another person’s work!

Thanks for reading!

~Raneaosama, RBT Art Column Editor

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