Rebel Horror Week 2022

Alexa, play Monster Mash.   We are very excited to invite you all to our Rebel Horror Week, with a twist! We have summoned the best dressed spirits for this spooky fashion week! This week will be jam packed with special events, tasks and rewards! Your design skills will be…

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On July 17th of 2022, as soon as the CPA Map Server Draft was completed, the Templars of Club Penguin declared war on the Rebel Penguin Federation on grounds of rejecting requests for practice battles as well as allegations against staff members of Club Penguin Legacy, a CPPS RPF has…

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Operation: Community Pride Parade [EU]

Today we logged on Klondike – CPAB for a very special event!  To celebrate pride, armies across the community came together for a Community Pride Parade.  We paraded around the island, in pride themed customized rooms before meeting up at the stadium for a Costume Contest!  Happy pride to everyone that…

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