This week, RPF has been celebrating its big Horror Week party, as we do every year! This year the theme has been Five Nights at Freddy’s, and we’ve gotten to enjoy a server re-theming, fun character roles and new colors, new shop roles, FNAF-themed events, murder mystery riddles, candy grams,…
══ ⋆★⋆ TUXEDO TIMES ⋆★⋆ ══ Halloween is coming up, and FNAF has taken over!! Read all about this year’s Horror Week party, enjoy a recap of last week’s spooky costume events, and more!
Pumpkins, ghosts, and clowns – oh my! This past week, we’ve really been getting into the Halloween spirit at our events AND enjoying all the new mini-games and prizes while the Fair is in town! In fact, we’ve seen a surge in activity and new members in our server since…
This week we got to slow down a little bit due to the pause of our war, but that didn’t stop us from continuing to have fun at our events, break day, and in chat! It also didn’t stop our troops from being active in the server, as many joined…
══ ⋆★⋆ TUXEDO TIMES ⋆★⋆ ══ See a recap of our last week of battles before the war pause, celebrate CPL’s new Fair Party with a brand new challenge, and more all inside this latest issue!!
As our war battles for the Autumn Tundra Clash come to a pause, we find ourselves reflecting on how far we’ve come in the last few weeks. 44 battles won, 36 servers gained, zero losses, and many awoogas exclaimed. But we couldn’t have done it without our troops, who devotedly…
══ ⋆★⋆ TUXEDO TIMES ⋆★⋆ ══ In this issue we’ll cover our server’s new spooky theme, a recap of more of our recent war battles, our current map progress, and more!! Be sure to check it all out down below!
In the midst of our war against SS raging on, we’ve seen the dedication of so many troops as they consistently attend our battles, help maintain our hype, and anything else in their power to continue fighting the good fight. These troops keep our army strong and our spirits high,…
══ ⋆★⋆ TUXEDO TIMES ⋆★⋆ ══ This issue is JAM-PACKED with news and updates! Map updates and major milestones from our war, the closing of a beloved CPPS, a new HCOM member, Puffle Party, and more. Get all caught up right here, right now!