Operation: Step Right Up [AUSIA]

Roll up, roll up! The fair has arrived to the CPJ Island, so for todays event we dressed up as Ringmasters and headed over to Blizzard-CPJ. We waddled around conducting tactics and formations, performing a show for the island! Great job at this event everyone! MAX:15 Remember to comment with…

Access Report

Operation: Pizza the Action [AUSIA]

Time for the final day of  tournaments of the Olympics! We logged onto Warzone-CPAB in our teams uniforms for a Pizzatron 3000 Competition! We performed many cheesy tactics and gathered into formations before logging onto CPJourney to make the most pizzas and gain more medals! Lets find out who came…

Access Report

Operation: Fire, Water, Snow, Shoot! [EU]

Greetings Rebel Ninjas! With the recent release of Card Jitsu on CPLegacy, today we held a tournament for the beloved card game! We first logged onto CPABattleground-Warzone where we performed wa-teriffic tactics and gathered into neat fire-mations all over the island! We then waddled over to CPLegacy for the exciting…

Access Report

Operation: We Back In The Mine [EU]

Hey there Rebel Cart Surfers! Today we dug out our miner’s caps for a fun Cart Surfer Tournament! We rode our way across to Icebreaker-CPABattleground where we executed many drill-iant tactics and organised ourselves into neat f-ore-mations before performing tricks and displaying our skills on mine carts! Great job at…

Access Report

OPERATION: Touchdown [EU]

Hey Rebels! The NFL Preseason has started, so its time for an American Football themed event! We logged onto Warzone-CPA Battleground wearing some gear for the sport and charged around the island doing lots of ball-rilliant tactics and gathering into neat formations! Great job at the event rebels! MAX:17 Don’t…

Access Report

Operation: Ready, Set, Paint! [EU]

Hey there Rebels! Time for another training event. With the recent Legends Cup battle being a success, we had another training event to sharpen our skills in order to further progress in the tournament! For this event we logged onto Ice Breaker-CPABattleground wearing some Painters Outfits! We decorated the island…

Access Report

Legends Cup XIII Quarter-finals [EU]

Legends cup has finally arrived! Today was our first battle of the tournament as we began the journey to regain our title! We logged onto Icebreaker-CPA Battleground, while wearing the classic RPF Uniform, and fought against the Help Force! Both armies fought very well through all 3 rooms to progress to…

Access Report

Operation: Spread Your Wings [EU]

Hey there rebels! Time for our first training event before the big tournament! We logged onto Icebreaker-CPAB wearing all sorts of colourful wings. Waddling around the island, we displayed our swift tactics and neat forms. Great job at this bird-tiful training event! MAX:21 AVG:21 Make sure to comment below with…

Access Report