Operation: Zoomers [EU]

Hey Rebels! Today we logged on to CPJ – Cove for a Sled Racing Tournament! We wore our rain coats and did some tactics that were cold as ice and some solid formations that did not slip or slide. Everyone put up some nice runs on the slope, but one…

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Operation: Cart Surfer Kings [EU]

Today we logged on to CPAB – KLONDIKE for a practice battle with our allies, the Water Vikings! Both armies showed prowess on the battlefield with clever tactics and outstanding formations. Then we competed in a Cart Surfer tournament! Thank you to everyone who attended this event! The winner of the…

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Operation: Formation Elevation [EU]

Hey rebels! Today we logged on to CPAB-Tuxedo with our Rebel Uniforms to sharpen our formations! We took our formations to the next level, and flourished our razor-sharp tactics. Amazing job to everyone who elevated their battle abilities at this training event! MAX: 18 AVG: 17 Be sure to comment…

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Operation: Turtle Power [EU]

Hey rebels! Today we logged on to CPAB – Tuxedo for our Turtle Power event! We shell-ebtrated world turtle day with shell-shocking formations and turtle-y terrific tactics! Thanks to everyone who joined us today! MAX: 25 AVG: 24 Don’t forget to comment your Discord Name and Rank below if you…

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