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- shpec on Kingdom of Pets Paw-rty Quiz
- Kiwi on Operation: Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin [AUSIA]
- EmeraldOutcast on Operation: Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin [AUSIA]
- lehky on Operation: Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin [AUSIA]
- Narrator on Operation: Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin [AUSIA]
Operation: Creepy Crawlers [EU]
Operation: Cozy Cozy Dinosaurs [AUSIA]
Operation: Smashed Fruit Smoothie [EU]
Operation: She was a Fairy [EU]
Hello Rebels! Today We logged onto Blizzard-Forest with our amazing looking Fairy outfits on! We took the CPJ Island by storm as we flew around the CPJ map chanting meaningful tactics and sitting in fantastic forms! We hope you all enjoyed it Rebels, You did amazing! MAX:18 Make sure to comment…
Operation: Tuba, or Not Tuba? [EU]
Operation: Snail Work [EU]
Operation: Pretty in Pastel [EU]
Operation: Full Speed Ahead! [EU]

Hello Rebels! Today we logged onto CPABattleground– Iceberg for a fast and skillful training session before we head into battle against Water Vikings for the March Madness Finals! Our troops looked amazing in our famous uniforms out there today! Good Job Rebels! MAX: 25 AVG: 25 Make sure to comment…
Operation: King Of The Pirates [EU]

Avast there, Rebels! Today’s swashbuckling event on CPJ–Blizzard was stell-Arrrrr. The Rebels channeled their One Piece pirate era in their straw hats, and took the cove by storm! Our crew performed treacherous tactics and fearsome formations, and it truly was an adventure! Thanks to all who came with us on…