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- EmeraldOutcast on Operation: Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin [AUSIA]
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- Narrator on Operation: Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin [AUSIA]
Promotions – 24/3/2019
These are the official ranks of the RF. If you think you should be here but do not see your name, DM a Head General, Second in Command, or a Rebel Commander.
Comment for Promotion
COMMENT FOR A PROMOTION! Comment the following information Your name on the RF site Your current rank The amount of events you attended this week (From Sunday, March 17th)
Troop of the Week #83
HEY REBELS! It’s Friday, so you know what that time it is! Lots of troops performed very well this week and attended tons of events! It was hard to choose, but the Rebel of the Week has been decided. Without further ado, the 83rd Troop of the Week is….
PROMOTIONS [March 17th 2019]
These are the official ranks of the RF. If you think you should be here but do not see your name, DM a Head General, Second in Command, or a Rebel Commander.
Troop of the Week #82
HEY REBELS! It’s Friday, so you know what that time it is! Well actually, we’re two days late… Lots of troops performed very well this week and attended tons of events! It was hard to choose, but the Rebel of the Week has been decided. Without further ado, the 82nd…
Comment for Promotion
COMMENT FOR A PROMOTION! Comment the following information Your name on the RF site Your current rank The amount of events you attended this week (From Sunday, March 10th)
PROMOTIONS – 10/3/19
PROMOTIONS ARE HERE! These are the official ranks of the RF. If you think you should be here but do not see your name, DM a Head General, Second in Command, or a Rebel Commander.
Comment for Promotion
COMMENT FOR A PROMOTION! Comment the following information Your name on the RF site Your current rank The amount of events you attended this week (From Sunday, March 3rd)