Today, the rebels logged on to Zipline – CPRewritten for an intense Branch Battle! Navy and Air Force were faced against each other, led by the Generals, for a frenzied competition. With froggy hats on their heads, both branches performed jaw-dropping formations and excellent tactics. In the end, however, who…

Access Report

Operation: Scavenger Ducks [AUSIA]

At today’s AUSIA event, the rebels logged on to Zipline – CPRewritten wearing the duck floaties for a splashing adventure! We started the event off with quacksome tactics and quackbulous formations! Then, we scattered and searched the island on an intriguing scavenger hunt! Great job at the event, rebels, and…

Access Report


For today’s US event, we logged onto Zipline with our jetpacks for an event called Operation: Jetpack Joyride. The rebels waddled around Zipline to show off their sick rides and to perform some amazing tactics and formations. Nice job today rebels! MAX: 19 Make sure to comment your Discord name and Rank down below…

Access Report


Special delivery!! We continue to serve with speedy delivery and treat our packages with TLC with guaranteed satisfaction! With the holidays coming up we have a busy road ahead of us so we logged onto ABOMINABLE–CPRewritten, wearing our delivery outfits. We shipped our packages throughout the island with our expedited…

Access Report

Operation: Cozy Hatters [AUSIA]

Hi there Rebels! For today’s AUSIA event, we logged onto Zipline – CPRewritten for Operation: Cozy Hatters! We went around the island with our funky hats performing hat-tastic tactics and awesome forms! Overall, amazing job at the event today Rebels! MAX: 24 AVG: 22 Make sure you comment with your Discord…

Access Report

Operation: Climber Chaos [EU]

Hey rebels! Its super cold on this mountain, lets hope you are prepared! For this EU event, we logged on ZIPLINE-CPRewritten for Operation: Climber Chaos and wore some warm hiking gear and hiked across the island with staggering formations and tactics! Good job to all you hikers and thank you…

Access Report


For today’s US event, we logged onto Abominable – CPRewritten for Operation: You Go, Glenn Coco! In this one, the Rebels channeled their inner Regina, Gretchen, and Karen and held an On Wednesdays We Wear Pink inspired event. We performed pinktastic tactics and of course forms that were so fetch. Good…

Access Report


Today, the rebels logged on to Zipline – CPRewritten for a spellbinding event. Dressed in the wizard costume, they performed splendid tactics and enchanting formations around the island. Magical job today rebels! MAX: 21 AVG: 19 Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report

Operation: Animal Crossing [EU]

Welcome to Animal Crossing Rebels, where we turn CPRewritten – Abominable into our own cozy village! We settled in with our Animal Crossing inspired outfits full of wooly clothing in this event suggested by our troop THEBESTBIRD We decorated the island with tons of well-crafted tactics and furnished forms! Quite…

Access Report


After a long wait, the day has finally arrived. The Rebels logged onto Ascent – CP Rewritten for our epic battle against the Templars. Both sides fought valiantly with their splendid formations and fast tactics, but as we all know, there can only be one winner. The winner is…

Access Report