BLING BLING! The Rebels were hard at work today’s AUSIA as they logged on to  Zipline – CPRewritten! Donning the Miner’s Hat, we got down to work, doing some awesome drilling tactics and showing off our wonderful formations. Fantastic work today, Rebel miners! MAX: 43 AVG: 40 Don’t forget to comment below…

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For today’s EU event we had a fun costume event on Crystal – CPRewritten. Wearing the mountaineer outfits from the latest code, we trekked our way up the mountain. With out unbe-leaf-able tactics we ascended to greater heights and made it to the summit; great job rebels, you rocked it!…

Access Report


For today’s US event, we logged onto Abominable on CPRewritten for Operation: Valedictorian with our mortarboards. We waddled up to Abominable with gratifying tactics and delightful forms. Great job today rebels and congratulations to everyone graduating this year! MAX: 40 AVG: 37 Make sure to comment your Discord Name and Rank down below if…

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Today we logged onto Crystal – CPR for our EU/US event, Operation: Leaders In Training! In this U-Lead event, troops got a chance to lead their very own creative tactics and earn a special Honorary HCOM role. Amazing job today rebels! MAX: 57 AVG: 52 Remember to comment your Discord name and rank if…

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Operation: Speedy Seekers [AUSIA]

For today’s AUSIA event, the Rebels logged onto Zipline – CPR for a Hide &  Seek event! HCOM fled throughout the island to find their best hiding spots while troops scouted the area to search for them! After some terrific tactics, was HCOM clever enough in their hiding spots? Or were troops…

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Hey rebels, veterans and allies! After a lot of birthday events this week, time has come for our 14th years event. Today we logged onto Crystal – CPRewritten for our anniversary. We performed cake-tastic forms, and festive tactics. MAX: 104  AVG: 103  Make sure to comment with you discord tag…

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Anticipating our spectacular RPF Anniversary tomorrow, we logged onto Zipline – CPR today for an event wearing our own individual, unique outfits! Rebels wore their signature looks with that pop of color, special accessory item, or even a special dance item that signifies their very own unique personalities! Great work…

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