Operation: Penguin Pals [EU/US]

Happy Valentine’s Day! To end Federation Friendship Week, held by the lovely Party Planning Committee, we wore our uniforms with a Valentine’s day twist. After logging on to server Crystal on CPRewritten, we did some heartwarming tactics and forms as we roamed around the island. Admirable job today rebels! MAX: 58 Make sure…

Access Report


To continue our weekend planned by the Party Planning Committee, we logged on to Antarctica – CPRewritten for a fun game of hide n seek.  However, in theme of the Friendship Federation weekend, the rebels were paired up! Each group took turns on hiding and seeking from each other high…

Access Report


Continuing with our Federation Friendship weekend brought to us by the Party Planning Committee, we logged on to Abominable – CPRewritten for a lovely time with our twins as we strutted around in our matching outfits. What a twintastic time we had together! MAX: 41 AVG: 38 Be sure to comment…

Access Report


In honor of the start to our Federation Friendship weekend hosted by our very own Party Planning Committee, rebels logged onto Ascent – CPRewritten in their best red and pink outfits to celebrate! Hope this event had you saying to your fellow rebels: Waddle I do without you?! MAX: 52…

Access Report


Hi there Rebels! For today’s AUSIA event, we logged onto Zipline – CPRewritten for a classic Operation: Ascension! We went around the island in our uniforms doing neat tactics and fast forms! Overall, we had a terrific event today! Awesome job Rebels! MAX: 38 AVG: 36  Make sure you comment…

Access Report


Another one bites the crust! Today we logged onto Abominable on CPRewritten for some cheesy tactics and formations as we delivered food to the penguins around the island. We wore the Pizza Apron and the Chef’s Hat along with a new special hand item… a Slice of Pizza! Great work…

Access Report


For today’s US event, we logged on to Antarctic – CPRewritten for Operation: Off the Grid! We felt ready to enter the matrix in our slick and stylish Green Grid Hoodies. We were off the charts as we went around the island showing off our futuristic forms and terrific tactics! Great…

Access Report

Operation: Paint the Town [EU/US]

A little bit of red there, maybe some green there, how about some blue here? Today we logged onto CPR- Abominable for our EU/US event: Paint the Town. And wow, we were as colorful as ever! A lot of love was shown for our fellow artists with our creative tactics and formations. Good…

Access Report