Today, we logged on to Tuxedo- CPA for Operation: Ascension in preparation for our Saturday Christmas Chaos X finals! We practiced some fast formations and sharpened our tactics in today’s training event! MAX: 41 AVG: 39 Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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Today we logged on to Tuxedo | CPA for Operation: Whirlwind. The fast-paced voice-led training event showed off our tactics, forms, and skill ahead of this Saturday’s Christmas Chaos X Finals. Max: 50 Average: 50 Comment below with your Discord username and rank if you attended!

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All aboard the holiday express, Rebels! Today, we logged onto Permafrost – CPRewritten wearing the holiday train costume from the new advent calendar. Way to go celebrating the holiday season – let’s keep counting down! Choo choo! MAX: 53 AVG: 53 Make sure you comment with your Discord name and…

Access Report


Today, the Rebels logged onto Tuxedo – CPArmies for a training event in preparation for our Christmas Chaos X battle against the Ice Warriors this Saturday! We practiced speedy tactics and clean forms that would surely put the Rebels on the nice list! Keep reacting in #battle-information if you can…

Access Report


To start off our week we logged on to Beanie wearing the Reindeer costume from the new catalog for our AUSIA event Operation: Fear The Deer! We sleighed the island with our festive forms and cheerful tactics MAX: 39 AVG: 38 Make sure to comment your discord username and rank if you…

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Operation: Finding Four [EU/US]

4 across! 4 down? How about diagnally? Four is the score our rebels wanted today! For today’s uniformed EU/US event, we logged onto CPR – Crystal to compete in a Find Four tournament! All competitors did great, but there can only be one winner in this battle of brains…

Access Report


Today we logged onto Beanie – CPR for our AUSIA event, Operation: Evergreen Evermore. We spruced ourselves up in the tree costume and performed some treemendous tactics and forms! Amazing job today rebels! MAX: 46 AVG: 44 Remember to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report


Today we logged on to Tuxedo – CPArmies for one last Ausia VC-Lead training event before the upcoming Christmas Chaos X semi-finals against Help Force! Sporting our uniforms, we hopped from room to room to practice our witty tactics and neaten our forms. Impressive work today, Rebels! MAX: 37 AVG: 37…

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Operation: Stamp Savants [US]

Hello, hello Rebels! Today for the US Event, we logged onto Toboggan-CPR for a Stamp Raid! We traveled across the island collecting group stamps and also doing flawless tactics and forms! Amazing teamwork everyone! Max: 50 Avg: 45  Remember to comment your Discord name and Rank if you attended this event!

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