Operation: Melting Point

Today we logged onto CPATG – TUXEDO for our VC led training event Operation: Melting Point. We practiced our forms and did speedy tactics for the upcoming Legends Cup round! Amazing job everyone, thank you all for coming! Make sure to comment with your Discord Name and Rank if you attended! MAX: 82…

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Today, we donned our water wings for our EU event, Operation: Swim! We went around the island showing off some great formations and water-themed tactics! Swimpressive job, rebels! MAX: 109 AVG: 102 Remember to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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Today we logged on CPATG- Tuxedo for a uniformed training event. We got ready for the Legends Cup Semi-Finals in a voice-chat led event while doing tactics and formations. Great job rebels! MAX: 71 AVG: 65 Remember to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended! Town Dock

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Operation: Elemental [EU/US]

Today, we logged on to our capital Tuxedo (CPATG) for an ultimate EU/US battle of Air Force vs. Navy! This clash was like one we haven’t seen before, where the teams dueled out as Card Jitsu Fire vs. Card Jitsu Water ninjas in Operation: Elemental! However, no matter how great…

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For our AUSIA event, we logged onto Marshmallow for Operation: Darkwing Ducks. We wore the Duck Floaties and swam around the island showing off our tactics and formations. Great job, rebels! MAX: 84 AVG: 80 Be sure to comment your discord name and rank if you attended! Room 1: Town

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