Operation: High Flyers [AUSIA]

Today, we were soaring, flying across Marshmallow in our propellor caps for AUSIA’s Operation: High Flyers! Whether in the sky or on land, flying doesn’t stop us from practicing our great forms and tactics! MAX: 79 AVG: 75 Comment your name and rank below if you attended!

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Today we logged onto Sleet for our EU event, Operation: Krusty Krew! We wore the lobster costume and showed off countless tactics and formations! Great job today rebels MAX: 115 AVG: 106 Make sure you comment with your discord username and rank if you attended!

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Today we logged on CPATG- Tuxedo for a special costume event designed by Bratty! We all drove around the island, in our motorcycles, doing tactics and formations. Great job rebels! MAX: 66 AVG: 61 Remember to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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Today we logged onto Deep Freeze for our AUSIA event! We wore our snazzy ‘Uniform‘ and practiced speedy forms and groovy tactics around the island! Good job today rebels! MAX: 64 AVG: 62 Remember to comment your Discord name and rank down below if you attended! Town

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In honor of Pride Month, RPF logged on to Tuxedo on CPATG for an unscheduled Pride event! We dressed up in rainbow outfits to show our pride in our identities and to stand in solidarity with members of the LGBTQ+ community! Great job, rebels! MAX: 40 AVG: 40 Remember to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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