Heya Rebels! For Sunday‘s AUSIA event, we logged on to Marshmallow for Operation: Sardines n’ Seek. HCom were hiding all over the island, and it was the troops job to find them! Well done to everyone who attended. Max: 30 Avg: 28 Make sure to comment your Discord name and…

Access Report


Hello, Rebels! We started our weekend off with a Friday night stamp event! For Operation: Stampede, we logged onto Marshmallow and waddled around the island to collect stamps! Great job to all who attended! MAX: 55 AVG: 49 Comment your Discord name and rank below if you attended!

Access Report


Hey there, Rebels! Today we logged onto Marshmallow for our EU event! We wore the hidden pilot cap, test glider, and aviator goggles soaring around the island while performing some fly tactics. Good job today, Rebels! MAX: 38 AVERAGE: 36 Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank below…

Access Report


Hey there, Rebels! Today, we logged onto Sleet for our EU event lead by our Officers, Operation: Uprising! We wore the RPF uniform and practiced our quick tactics and fast formations around the island!! Great job at today’s event, Rebels! Don’t forget to comment your Discord name and rank below…

Access Report


Hello, RPF! At today’s US event, we logged onto Snow Avalanche for Operation: Grub! Wearing the RPF uniform, we exclusively did emotes and safe chat tactics to mix things up. Great job to all who came! MAX: 45 AVG: 42 Comment below with your Discord name & rank if you…

Access Report

Operation: Ice Princess [AUSIA]

HEY THERE RPF! Today we logged on to Blizzard for our AUSIA event, Operation: Ice Princess. We dressed up in our Figure Skater Costumes, and logged on to gracefully perform some elegant tactics and forms all around the island! Our beauty truly shone through with some fabulous tactics and forms…

Access Report