Operation: Cannonade [EU/US]

Hi, Rebels! Today, we logged onto Zipline for our EU/US event, Operation: Cannonade! We went around the island showing off our terrific tactics and fantastic forms, while also flaunting some awesome numbers! Great job, everyone! Remember to comment below with your Discord/CPR name and rank if you attended! MAX: 51 AVG: 50

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Operation: Stronghold! [AUSIA]

Greetings Rebels! Today we logged into Sleet for our AUSIA Operation: Stronghold! where we roamed around the island with our new uniforms with wonderful tactics and formations. Good job today rebels for all those who attended today’s AUSIA event. Comment with your Discord name and rank below if you attended!…

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Hey, Rebels! Today we logged onto Blizzard for Operation: Goal Digger! We ran around the island, performing great tactics and formation. Thanks to everyone who attended! MAX: 41 AVG: 32 Comment with your Discord name and rank below if you attended!

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Hi Rebels! Today we logged onto Deep Freeze for our US Event, Operation:Encompass and showed off our rebel skills by performing amazing tactics and formations around the island! Great job everyone! MAX: 43 AVG: 41 Comment below your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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Hello, Rebels! We logged onto Marshmallow today, dressed in our freakiest outfits and performed spooky tactics across the island. Midway through the event, we changed into our RPF uniforms and continued to freak the freak out! Awesome flash mob, rebels! Comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!…

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Hi Rebels! Today we logged onto Marshmallow for our US event, Operation: Candy Crushers! We dressed up in the exclusive Neon Skeleton Hoodie from the Halloween Candy Hunt! Amazing tactics and great job today Rebels! Comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended! MAX: 50+ AVG: 46

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Hey Rebels! Today we logged onto Blizzard for Operation: FrankenFrenzy! We wore the Rad Scientist costume from the stage and performed some great tactics! Big thanks to everyone who attended! MAX: 22 AVG: 20 Comment with your Discord name and rank below if you attended!

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