Operation: Nobility [AUSIA]

Hello Rebels Today we logged onto Blizzard for our AUSIA event Operation: Nobility. We dressed as a royal duke to show that we have the tactics and forms in the noblest order! The event was really fun with some amazing tactics and forms! Great event everybody! Max:35+ Average:33 Make sure…

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Hey There RPF! Today we logged onto Sleet for a special Mod U-Lead event, Operation: Magic Touch. We enchanted the island in spells galore in the Purple Blizzard Wizard Costume.  Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended! MAX: 60+ AVG: 53

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Hey Rebels! Today we logged onto Beanie for our EU/US event where we went into each others igloos and collected the stamps for having 10 penguins in an igloo and 30 penguins in an igloo! We saw some wonderful decorations and themes in the igloos and performed some great tactics…

Access Report


Heya Rebels! Today we logged onto Blizzard for our AUSIA event, Operation: Princess Power. In this event, we presented our royalty as RPF’s beautiful princesses to the rest of CPR by wearing the pink princess outfit with the wand. MAX: 45+ AVG: 38 Comment your Discord name and rank below if you…

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Operation: MOAB [AUSIA]

Hello Rebels Today we logged onto Deep Freeze for our AUSIA event Operation: MOAB (Mother of All Bombs)! We practiced our emotes and word bombs to make them as big as they can be! The event was really fun with some amazing tactics and forms! Great event everybody! Max:20+ Average:…

Access Report

Operation: Wrapped Rebels [US]

Hey there Rebels! For today’s EU event we logged onto Sleet for Operation: Wrapped Rebels. We dressed in the mummy costume from the stage and went around the island in our wraps, performing fun tactics. Max: 63+ Avg: 60 Amazing job to all who attended! Be sure to comment your…

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