Unscheduled Pookie Event

Hewwo Pookies! Twoday we wogged onto Mashmewwo to get adwopted and find our mwommy bwut then we weawised dat we no need no mwommy we got eatofer so we wogged onto Ahsent becwoz we hurd aboot a twooba army but it waz dust won twooba so we adwopted hwim. Pwease…

Access Report


Hello RF! Today we had an awesome EU/US branch battle on Beanie, Air Force vs Navy. Both sides performed excellently and the decision was tough, but in the end, there can only be one winner. And the winner is… Air Force Comment below with your name and rank if you attended…

Access Report


Hey Rebels! Today we logged onto Beanie for Operation: Ausia Uprising! We wore our RF uniform and performed some great tactics and formations around the island. Great job everyone! MAX: 30+ AVG: 28 Make sure to comment below with your name and rank if you attended the event!

Access Report


Hey RF! Today we logged onto Beanie for our EU event where whilst disguised as boxes we executed fantastic formations and tactics whilst remaining undercover! It was a lot of fun and we showed our Boxing Power! Amazing job Rebels! Comment below with your name and rank to say you…

Access Report


Hello Rebels Today we logged onto Marshmallow for the  AUSIA astronauts event where we dressed up in astronaut costumes and floated around the island. The event was really fun and we did some amazing tactics and forms! Great event everybody! Max:30+ Average:27 Make sure to comment with your discord name…

Access Report


Hey, Rebels! Today we logged onto Blizzard for Operation: Rebel Band! We all dressed up with our favourite instruments and performed some great tactics around the island! Max: 50+ Average: 46 Comment with your name and rank below if you attended!

Access Report

Operation: Nacho Libre [US]

Hello, RF! For today’s US event, we logged onto Sleet to carry out Operation: Nacho Libre.  We dressed in the uniform of the Nacho army and the color orange, starting a fiesta around the island!  Our tactics and formations were excelente!  Great job to all who attended! MAX: 60+ AVG: 54…

Access Report