Operation: Multiply [Results]

Hey there, rebels! Yo, it’s #klein here with another event! We logged onto the CPR server BLANK tonight. Our goal was to go around the island and get recruits! Throughout the event, we did so and performed many recruiting tactics. We even got a new recruit! Despite our small sizes, our…

Access Report

Operation: Final Scare [AUSIA]

HEY GUYS! Today we wore Halloween costumes for the AUSIA event on the server Marshmallow! We performed several formations and tactics and recruited penguins across the island. Objective: Celebrate one last time with the spirit of Halloween! Our Objective was met! MAX: 25+ Avg: 22 Comment with your Discord Name and…

Access Report


Hoi Guys Today we logged on onto Sleet for Operation:Trick or Treat.The objective for this event was   to go around the island with our favourite Halloween costume and spook other penguins and  our objective was met  Max:20+ Comment with ur name and rank down below if u attended the event!

Access Report


HELLO, RF! Today, we logged onto Sleet for Operation: Recruit and Rise.  The objective for this event was to recruit for the better good of the Rebel Federation and to rise to new heights.  We were able to recruit a few new troops while having snazzy formations and magnificent-looking tactics.  Great…

Access Report

Operation – Lucky Ladybugs [EU]

HEY GUYS! Today we dressed up as Ladybugs for the EU event on the server Zipline! We performed formations and tactics and recruited penguins across the island. Our Objective: Have fun and spread good luck around as ladybugs! Our Objective was met! MAX: 40+ Avg: 37 Comment with your Discord Name…

Access Report

Operation: Inception [RESULTS]

GUTEN TAG REBELS It’s me Mishka the German Rebel, back again with another AUSIA event post. Today we logged on to marshmallow for our AUSIA event, Operation: Inception. The goal of this operation was to establish a starting point for our next AUSIA project. We performed a variety of fast,…

Access Report


GREETINGS RF Today we logged on Zipline – Town for our event Operation rise and shine.  For this event, we all wore the rooster costume. We had amazing tactics and astonishing formation. This was an amazing event. Well done to all those who attended. Objective: Rise and shine, then rise and…

Access Report