Operation: Slither and Seek [EU]

For this snail-rific Hide and Seek event, we shimmied in our shells as we made our way onto CPJourney – Sleet. Although one may assume we would be slow and sluggish, our tactics and formations surely were not! Afterwards, we scattered around the island in search of the best hiding…

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Operation: Strike A Pose [US]

Hello icons!! Oops, I meant Rebels. We logged onto CPJ – Sleet for a fashion show event! With our slayful and iconic outfits, we did some flashy tactics and red-carpet ready formations. We proved that we really stole the runway with those wonderful fits, tactics, and forms. After the tactics,…

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Operation: All Spruced Up [US]

Timberrr!!!! We really fell for this lumberjack event today as we logged on to CPAB – Tuxedo with our Lumberjack outfits! We helped keep the forest healthy with good forestry formations and tactics as sharp as our axes! Not just any sharp tactics, either, everyone was welcome to take a swing…

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Operation: Sled Shredders [EU]

Whats black and white and goes down a hill super fast? Well it’s the Rebels during a Sled Racing tournament of course! Today we logged onto CPJ – Sleet for a Sled Racing tourament, with Rebels competing for the coveted Zoomer role! Everyone played amazingly however some logs and rocks…

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