Operation: Unbearable [AUSIA]

It‘s so fluffy! The rebels are feeling beary cute in their comfy onesies as they logged onto CPJourney-Blizzard for this extra sweet and relaxing event. The cutesy bears met on Blizzard – Docks, and their cozy tactics and formations were simply adorable! Max: 31 Average: 31 ♡ Comment your Discord…

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WAKE ME UP, WAKE ME UP INSIDE!!!! Hey Rebels, today we logged on to CPAB-Tuxedo to have an epic mosh pit and head banged, we did tearful and tragic tactics…. We showed our feelings through formations, whilst being edgy and rocking on! *cries in emo* Thanks for coming….or whatever…. 🙄🤘…

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Operation: Comet me bro [AUSIA]

Hello… REBELS!! Today we logged onto Tuxedo – CPAB for our ASTEROID themed AUSIA event!! We dressed up in our comet costumes, and got into our meteoric formations while doing our ext-roar-dinary tactics!! Thank you to EVERYONE that attended todays event!! <3 MAX: 22 AVG: 20 Make sure to comment…

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