Operation: Buccaneers [EU]

Ahoy, rebels! For today’s EU event, we logged on to CPAB – Battleground for Operation: Buccaneers, a pirate-themed event. We dressed up in pirate costumes as we performed sharp tactics and golden formations. Good job today, rebels! Comment with your Discord Name and Rank if you attended! MAX: 17 AVG:…

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hehe, Hiya rebels for Today’s event we logged onto Warzone-CPAB in our villain outfits as we went around the island doing excellent formations and tactics, Thank you to everyone who decided to come out!   MAX: 15 Don’t forget to comment your Discord Name and Rank below if  you attended!

Access Report

Operation: Wrapped Up [AUSIA]

Present time, Rebels! Today, we logged onto Icebreaker for a fun mummy event! Wrapped in some mummy costume, we unwrapped fantastic tactics and did cool formations with our costumes. Good job, everyone! MAX: 16 AVG: 15 Don’t forget to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report

Operation: Wandering Waddles [EU]

Oink, oink, Rebels! Today, we logged onto CPAB-Klondike for a fun piggy event! Dressed in pig snouts, we colla-boar-ated to make swine formations and snout great tactics. Well done today, Rebels! MAX: 22 AVG: 20 Don’t forget to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report

Operation: Apple of My Eye [AUSIA]

Hello Rebels!! In today’s AUSIA event, we logged on CPAB–Klondike dressed as caramel apples, looking sweet and brilliant!! We went around the island, performing smooth tactics and clean forms!!! Awesome job to everyone and hope you enjoyed  this wonderful event as much as me!! MAX:16 Make sure you comment your Discord…

Access Report

Operation: All Boxed Down [US]

Hey, rebels! For today’s US event, we logged on to CPAB – Warzone for Operation: All Boxed Down, an RPF throwback event. We dressed in the cardboard box costume as we performed strong tactics and clean formations. Good job today, rebels! MAX: 16 AVG: 14 Comment with your Discord Name and…

Access Report


Hey, Rebels! It’s time to get competitive! We logged onto server Klondike – CPAB for Operation: Game Day wearing our best coffee bean inspired outfits. We went around the island doing various formations and tactics and finished off the event with a head-to-head Bean Counters tournament. Everyone did amazing, but only…

Access Report

Operation: West of Weird [AUSIA]

Heya, Rebels! For the first AUSIA event of the week, we logged on to Icebreaker for our Gravity Falls event! Rebels wore their own Gravity Falls character outfits as we explored and went around Icebreaker doing fun tactics and wholesome formations! I hope you enjoyed yourselves, rebels! MAX: 16 AVG:…

Access Report