Operation: It’s Hula Time [AUSIA]

Hey there, rebels! This event, we dressed up in our grass skirts on CPA Battleground at Warzone – Town. Cute formations were seen with quick and flowy tactics, followed by a game session of Trivia! Many questions were answered and perhaps some braincells were lost, but there could only be one…

Access Report


Heya, rebels! Today, we clawed our way to Ice Breaker – Town for our dragon themed EU event! We showed off some fiery formations with clawsome tactics wearing some hot dragon costumes! Fangtastic work, Rebels! MAX: 17 AVG: 16 Don’t forget to comment below with your name and rank if…

Access Report


Hey, Rebels! Welcome back to another event post. Today, we logged onto Klondike – Town for our US event. We showed off our amazing formations and tactics as always, as well as played some fun games of red light green light. MAX: 17 Be sure to comment your NAME and RANK…

Access Report


All you need is FAITH, TRUST, and a little PIXIE DUST. We logged onto KLONDIKE–CPAB wearing a TINKERBELL OUTFIT for a magical event! We flew our way throughout the island with our tinkering tactics and feisty formations!  MAX: 24 AVG: 23 Don’t forget to comment below with your Discord name…

Access Report

Operation: National Pride [EU]

Hey Rebels! For Today’s EU event, we logged onto Ice Breaker – CPABattleground for a fun countries event! We dressed up in our own countries colors as we waddled around the island doing fun tactics and awesome forms! Amazing job today. Rebels! MAX: 20 AVG: 20 Make sure to comment…

Access Report


Shello, Rebels! Today, we scuttled on over to Klondike – CPAB for a fun event created by our very own troop, THEBESTBIRD! Wearing our red and blue crab costumes, we crab-walked through the island to perform some claw-some forms and crab-ulous tactics. Hope everyone had some fun in the sun being…

Access Report


A mistake or just a happy accident? Today we logged into Ice Breaker – CPAB for a Bob Ross inspired event. We dressed up as the beloved painter himself to performed some creative tactics and gorgeous formations. Thank you all for attending this picture-perfect event. Remember, there’s an artist hidden…

Access Report