Hey Rebels! Today we logged on to CPAB-Tuxedo for our crazy and hectic work shift counting beans for Scrooge. We worked super hard in our Kermit outfits to attract customers in, by ribbiting some tactics and brewing up some formations! It was so chaotic counting all those beans, that it became a…

Access Report

Operation: Road To Victory [EU]

Hello… REBELS!!! Today we logged onto Tuxedo – CPAB, for our EU training event in preparation for our CCXIV battle against the Aliens!🛸Fitted in our classic RPF uniforms we started the event off, doing our usual tactics & formations, our presence DOMINATING every room we went to. We crushed it this…

Access Report

Operation: Quarter Finals [EU]

Today we logged into CPAB–Klondike–Inside Mine for a fantastic battle as CCXIV is finally here! Our first battle of the season was against The Bastille Vanguard! Both armies did their very best with fast formations and hard-hitting tactics, but there could only be one winner. Congratulations FTGF! Winner is…

Access Report


E1!! EZEP!! X FORM NOW!! All these were seen in today’s training event. Today we logged onto Tuxedo – CPAB to prepare for tomorrow’s battle against The Bastille Vanguard and preparing for our further Christmas Chaos XIV battles. One training event down, many more to go, and the rebels are…

Access Report