Grub! Today the Rebels logged onto Abominable-CPRewritten wearing nothing! For this event, we all attended as default penguins. None of our tactics are getting filtered today because we only performed safechat tactics! Hope everyone enjoyed going back to the basics! MAX: 31 AVG: 30 Make sure to comment your Discord…

Access Report


What’s up Rebels! For today’s EU event, we logged onto Abominable – CPRewritten for a fun skiing event! We hit the slopes in our ski suits, while showing off our gnarly tactics and formations! Good job shredding it on the slopes! MAX: 34 AVG: 33 Make sure to comment your Discord Username and Rank below if…

Access Report

Operation: Mine Diamonds [AUSIA]

Hey Rebels! For today’s AUSIA event, we logged onto Zipline – CPRewritten for Operation: Mine Diamonds. We went around the island wearing our mining helmets as we performed spectacular tactics and polished forms. Amazing job today Rebels! MAX: 33 AVG: 32 Make sure you comment with your Discord Username and Rank if you attended!

Access Report


Hey there everyone! Today, we logged on Abominable – CPRewritten for an Aladdin themed event! We wore the Inverted Torero Suit and flew around the island on our magic carpet performing magical formations and tactics! Thank you to everyone that came out for this magical event! MAX: 30 Remember to comment…

Access Report


All you need is a little faith, trust, and pixie dust. Today, the rebels logged on to Zipline – CP Rewritten for a Peter Pan inspired fashion contest! We sailed around the island, performing magical formations and mystical tactics. Fantastic job as usual rebels! The winners of the contest are…

Access Report

Operation: Ice Capades [EU]

Hey Rebels! For today’s EU event, we logged onto Abominable – CPRewritten for a “friendly” practice battle against our allies Ice Warriors! We went around the island for Operation: Ice Capades in our uniforms sharpening up our tactics and forms! Overall, amazing job at the event today, Rebels! MAX: 23…

Access Report