Operation: Box O’ Buffles [EU]

All the newly released puffles in the island have been quite hungry after the lengthy wait, explaining their constant appetite for Puffle O’s! The Rebels have been tracking them down by logging onto Abominable – CPRewritten, only to find several Puffle O’s Boxes near the Ski Lodge which we used…

Access Report


For today’s AUSIA event, we logged onto Zipline-CPRewritten for a puffle-themed fashion show! We dressed up in puffle-themed items and ones from the recent catalogue for the Puffle Party! First we performed fashionable tactics and gorgeous formations, followed by the glamorous fashion show component! Read on to see the winners!

Access Report


The color pink doesn’t get enough appreciation, so it obviously deserved it’s own event! Today, we logged onto Abominable–CPRewritten wearing the pink puffle costume. Plus, some people even brought their pink puffles to join us! We really made the island look pinktastic! While wandering around the island, we performed amazing…

Access Report


We all joke about being clowns, well now is our time to show it on the outside too! But we all know CPR is the biggest clown of us all. We logged onto ABOMINABLE–CPRewritten while grabbing the CLOWN WIG for a comical event! We clowned our way throughout the island…

Access Report


LUMOS! For today’s AUSIA, we logged on to Zipline – CPRewritten for a fun Harry Potter event. Dressed in some Harry Potter-inspired outfits, we had a magical journey around the island. We showed off our brilliant tactics and formidable formations. Great job keeping the magic alive Rebels! MAX: 25 Don’t…

Access Report


Hey Rebels! Today we logged on to CPRewritten – Abominable to revisit history together and wear some of our favorite RPF uniforms from the past! In our well-known black, red, and neon green colors, we performed timely tactics and revolutionary formations. What a way to show off our rebel pride!…

Access Report


Continuing off our Black History Month themed events, the rebels logged onto Abominable – CP Rewritten wearing Blue or Pink Hip Hop Hoodies for today’s US. We busted out some lyrical tactics and fire formations. You absolutely killed it, rebels! MAX: 28 Don’t forget to comment below with your Discord…

Access Report


Did someone say puffles? (We did!) Today, the Rebels logged on to Zipline – CPRewritten wearing their adorable Polka Dot Puffle Hats for an exciting puffle event! To top everything off, we also played Mascot Hide and Seek with HCOM hiding and troops seeking. Hope everyone had a good time!…

Access Report


Hey Rebels! For Today’s AUSIA event we had the Finals of the Ausia Arena Tournament! We logged onto Ascent – CPRewritten to have an intense battle with the Ice Warriors! With a fierce matchup of fast tactics and forms, only one army could emerge victorious.

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