Club Penguin Journey – Winter Party 2023

❄⛄Hii rebels! ❄⛄

A brand new party has just released on CPJ and it comes with some amazing new items and features!! This guide will show you everything you need to know about this amazing new party! Lets get started shall we?

-New Color-

For the first new item, head to the ski hill and click where the lavender paint is spilled to get the new free lavender color!

-Sled Racing-

Sled racing is now available to play on the island!!

-NEW sled racing catalog-

You can get the pink, green or toboggan sled from the brand new sled racing catalog and play in style! sleds cost [300 coins]!!

-Ice Rink-

The ice rink has returned for the winter party!! Come play some ice hockey or skate! You can earn the Hockey Team stamp by forming a team of five penguins wearing the same jersey! 🏒⛸

-The Great Snow Maze-

Wow aMAZEing its a maze! Complete the maze to get some really cool 🧊 prizes! Below is a guide with pictures on how to complete the maze!

1. First head right!

2. Now head straight up!

3. Now turn left!!

4. Now go left again!!

5. Now go Left and then straight up!

6. Now walk up, take a right, go down and to the right again!

7. Go straight up!

8. Go all the way around and back down!

9. Go to the left and then go down!

10. Go to the right, head down and go to the left and down again!

11. Head to the right!

12. Now head down and up!

13. Now head to the right and then go up!

14. Head to the bottom left!

15. Go up!

16. Walk up to finish the maze!

Congrats you have completed the maze!! Upon completing you get the Path finder stamp and the yeti costume!!

Check out the November 2023 Snow and Sports catalog guide for Club Penguin Journey here!

And that’s it for now!! We hope this guide has been helpful for you in completing all the tasks for the CPJ Winter Party! If you would like to stay updated on the latest news of the game, be sure to join our cool discord server!! 🧣❄

Ellie | Lieutenant General 🌻




  1. Thanks for the guide ! I love this little party it’s so chill

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