Ahoy Rebels!

The Club Penguin News Team is back again with a brand new igloo furniture catalog filled with amazing undersea designs and untold sparkly treasures for the upcoming Underwater Expedition Party coming out soon! Without further delay, let’s dive into this month’s treasure trove!

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There are 4 hidden items on this page.

1. If you click on the top left of the Sunken Pillar, you will get Hanging Moss for 150 coins.

2. If you click on the top right of the Tidal Pool, you can get the Treasure Chest for 250 coins.

3. Click in the middle of the right  side of the Ancient Archway, you can buy Crystals for 550 coins.

4. If you click on the right side of the Sunken Wall, you can get Sea Weed for 265 coins.

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There are 4 secret items on this page.

5. If you click on the right pink seashell of the Mermaid Clock, you can buy a Wall Net for 425 coins.

6. If you click on the pearl of the Clam, you can get the Comfy Crab for 275 coins.

7. If you click to the right of the window on the Pink Plastic Castle, you can buy a Wooden Crate for 50 coins.

8. If you click in the middle of the Orange Inflatable Chair, you can get the Shell Chair for 550 coins.

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There are 4 hidden items on this page.

9. If you click on the goldfish in the Aquarium, you can buy Waves for 75 coins.

10. If you click on the turtle on the Turtle Bowl, you can get the Surf Beach Towel for 250 coins.

11. if you click on the the nose of the Old Penguin Monument, you can buy the Inflatable Whale for 190 coins.

12. If you click on the middle paw of the Inflatable Dragon, you can buy the Snappy Shark for 250 coins.

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You can get a new location for your igloo under the sea for 3000 coins.

Be sure to check out the Club Penguin Legacy February Clothing Catalog 2024 guide right here!

And that’s all for now folks! Hope this guide was able to help you navigate among the colorful corals and seaweed under the sea of new furniture! If you would like to remain updated on all the new secrets and events going on CPLegacy, join our Discord server here!

-Master DS | General

Master DS

Lead from the heart, not the head.

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