Hello there, Rebels! Club Penguin Legacy’s 2024 Puffle Party is here! This party comes with a plethora of party quests to do throughout the duration of the party! Keep reading this guide for how to complete all 39 quests! We also have a separate party guide, you can find the guide here! Now then, let’s get started with those quests!

Easy Quests

1. Throw a pie at the target: Throw a pie (snowball) at the target inside the green puffle’s mouth in Beacon.

2. Go through box portal: Go to the Beach, and walk into the Box Dimension through the portal.

3. Launch a snowball from each cannon: Go to Cove and click on both cannons to launch snowballs.

4. Cheer at the Puffle Show: Go to the Puffle Show in Ski Village, and click on the “Applause” button on the bottom right corner.

5. Swim in the ball pit: Go to Forest and move around in the Ball Pit.

6. Get painted by Yellow Puffle: Go to the Lighthouse and go to the place where it says “Stand Here” while the yellow puffle paints you.

7. Yell at the actors: Still in the Lighthouse, hover over the yellow director puffle to trigger the yelling animation.

8. Us the Music Player 3000: Go to the Rooftop of the Night Club (accessible through Dance Lounge) and click on the Music Player 3000.

9. Use the Cloud Maker 3000: Go to Ski Hill and click on the red button to use the cloud maker.

10. Find the pin: Collect the pin at the Pet Shop.

11. Close windowns Underground: Go to the Underground Pool and click on the red button to shut off the windowns.

12. Climb the Puffle Tower: Got to the Dock and walk to the top of the green part of the Puffle Tower.

13. Stand on the podium: Go to the Iceberg and go on the podium.

Medium Quests

14. Have a cookie fight with 10 penguins: Go to the Box Dimension through the entrance at the Beach and throw cookies (snowballs) with 10 other penguins in the room.

15. Serve food to a table: In the Dance Lounge, wear any food apron and press D near a table to serve food. Make sure to be wearing ONLY the apron.
The Pet Shop Apron (found on page 9 of the Penguin Style catalog) works for this quest!

16. Collect all free items: There are 3 free items to collect:
The Puffle Jacket in Town, The Puffle Hat in Plaza, and The First Prize Puffle background in the Puffle Show (Through Ski Village.). For the background, walk onto the photoshoot, then click the camera.

17. Throw a snowball at all 10 puffles: Go to Snow Forts and throw snowballs at all ten puffles. Make sure to throw at least one snowball from each fort in the room.

18. Buy super toy from Puffle Catalog: Go to the Pet Shop and go to pages 5 and 6 of the Puffle Catalog to buy a super toy.

19. Watch the menu change: Go sit in the Lounge and wait for the menu to change to one of three options: coffee menu, pizza menu, and dessert menu. You only need to watch one cycle. It may take up to 10 minutes, so better make yourself comfortable!

20. Adopt a puffle: Go to the Pet Shop and adopt a puffle!

21. Walk through puffle tube: Go to the Forest and go to the entrance of the tube, and wait for your puffle cross through the entire attraction.

22. Build 3 Snow Sculptures: In the Lighthouse, hover over the yellow Puffle in the bottom right 3 times to make 3 sculptures.

23. Obstacle Course with Puffle: Head to the Puffle Show (through Ski Village), then walk over the start of the course while walking your puffle.

24. View Orange Puffle Car: Wait in the Box Dimension until the orange puffle car drives across the top left of the screen.

25. View Floating Orange Puffle: Wait in the Box Dimension until the floating orange puffle floats across the top left of the screen.

26. Run 3 Laps at the Iceberg: Run 3 counter-clockwise laps using the course circling the Iceberg. Do note that you must stop at the 4 lines in order for your laps to count.

Hard Quests

27. Play With All Puffle Toys: Hover the cursor over the puffle toys located in Town, Plaza, and the Docks.

28. Take Care of Puffle Until it’s Happy: Go into your igloo and click on a Puffle, click the comb to enter a menu to take care of the puffle. If the puffle is freshly purchased, simply click out of the menu.

29. Take Your Puffle for a Walk: In your Igloo, click a puffle and then click the walk button.

30. Dance with 20 Penguins: Go to the Dance Club and dance with 19 other penguins.

31. Join 25 Penguins using the Puffle Emote: use the puffle emote (EP) with 24 other penguins in any room.

32. Buy All Costumes from Catalog: Buy all colors of the Puffle Costume from the catalog found in the bottom right of Plaza.

33. Compete Against Other Puffles: Go to the Puffle Show (through Ski Village), and walk your puffle over to the judging station.

34. View All Clouds: In Ski Hill, press the red button to the top right to activate the Cloud-Maker 3000. There are 5 cloud variants to see. You may get repeat clouds, so it might take quite a few tries to get all 5.

Extreme Quests

35. See Plok: Similar to quest 24 and 25, wait in the Box Dimension for Plok to float across the screen. This may take up to 15 minutes.

36. Join 30 Penguins with Puffles: Walk your puffle in a room with 29 other penguins also walking their puffles.

37. Feed 50 Puffles in One Session: Go to the Puffle Feeding Area (through Snow Forts) and throw Puffle-O’s (snowballs) at 50 puffles as they pop up through the holes. This has to be done in one session without leaving the room or logging off.

38. Visit Every Decorated Room: Go inside the following rooms: Beach, Beacon, Cove, Dance Club, Dance Club Rooftop, Docks, Forest, Iceberg, Lighthouse, Lounge, Pet Shop, Plaza, Puffle Feeding Area (Through Snow Forts), Puffle Show (Through Ski Village), Ski Hill, Ski Village, Snow Forts, Town, Underground Pool.
Finishing this quest will also earn you the Explorer stamp!

39. Meet Puffle Handler: Log on and meet Puffle Handler! Be sure to join our Discord server for a mascot tracker so you don’t miss her! Invites to the Discord can be found at the bottom of this post!

Congratulations! You have completed all quests! For completing all quests, you will earn two items: The Pufflescape Ball and the Pufflescape Ball Cap.
Click the quest menu on the right side of the screen to claim the rewards!

And that’s all for the quests guide! Hope you enjoyed the 2024 Club Penguin Legacy Puffle Party! Be sure to check out our party guide for all of the free items, stamps available, and other fun things in the party here! If you want to keep up with future CPLegacy updates, be sure to join our Discord Server with one of the links below!

A Random Owl | Third In Command

Master DS | Third In Command

A Random Owl

So It Goes...


  1. For Quest 26 – Run 3 laps around the iceberg.
    You need to stop at the lines at the four sides of the course while running counterclockwise (Audio queues may help)

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