A typical day in my life right now is pretty routine given that I’m a full time university student. I usually get to campus in the morning and depending on the day I’m there until lunch time or later. When I’m campus I’m usually in class, but I also enjoy hanging with friends that are around when I’m there! After classes I come back home and that’s when I start any work that I have for the day. I’m usually back and forth between homework and checking discord later in the day because I like to work in bursts. Once my work is done I like to play a game or chat with people in the server. Overall my days are not super exciting right now just because I have so much school stuff going on, but I’m enjoying it all ☺
I usually start my day by checking all the notifications and emails on my phone and depending on what it is, I’ll either respond right away or write down anything I need to do later. Then I get ready for the day. Right now I’m studying digital marketing through live classes via zoom and outside of classes I have homework to work on or sometimes rewatch the lectures. Other than that, if I’m not doing chores or running errands, then I’ll probably be on Discord, attending RPF events, watching YouTube, or playing Pokémon Unite. Since my classes are later in the day anyways, I usually wake up late and sleep really late too, usually around 3am these days >.<
Finally, thanks to Chan and LittySkitty for talking about their lifes in this column, hope you liked this post, until the next time (we will return) (^o^).