Island Adventure Party: Festival of Fruit Guide

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Ahoy Rebels!

This is your Island Adventure Party: Festival of Fruit Guide!

This guide will explain the location of all secret items, party rooms, and special features.

The party started today, June 20, and will end on July 4.

As soon as you log on, Rockhopper will tell you to pick a side! Which will you choose? Team Pirate OR Team Captain?!

From there, you will find the respective hangouts of each team by clicking the signs found in the bottom corners of the Town.

Team Pirate’s hangout is at the Cove!

Team Captain’s hangout is at the Beach!

If you head to the Dock’s, you will see the leaderboard.

The leaderboard details which team has more points from finding cream soda. Every 30 minutes, barrels of cream soda will appear in a random room. Both teams have 10 minutes to find the room and click on the barrel to collect them for their team. Once all barrels have disappeared, the barrels will reappear in a different room. This will repeat until the 10 minutes are up. Collecting barrels will earn your team points!

Don’t forget to grab the free item in this room.

Wherever you go on the island, even on the Deserted Iceberg, you will be able to check what items your team has unlocked with their points! Click on the fruit basket in the upper right hand corner. All unlocked items are available to both teams.

In specific areas, you will be able to see the pop-up catalogue. There are two secret items hidden in this catalogue. Don’t forget to snag them both!

Click the beak of the Pineapple Headdress for the Fruit Frenzy Background. Click the stem of the Raspberry Costume for the Sour Apple Chair.

From the Beach, you can head onto Rockhopper’s ship.

Head down into the ship to visit Rockhopper’s store!

Click the parchment in the lower right corner to grab a free item as well as a secret one when you click on the word “Rare”.

The Grape Vine item is currently glitched and cannot be bought. We will make sure to update you when the CPR team fixes it!

Edit: The Grape Vine item glitch has now been fixed.

Don’t forget to grab the Rockhopper’s Key pin from the Permanent Pin Guide! Once obtained, you can visit the Captain’s Quarters!

There are plenty of sandboxes around to play Treasure Hunt in. Click the instruction signs found around the island to find out how to play.

On the beach is one set of those instructions. In addition, you can access another secret room where Team Pirate and Team Captain can battle it out! Click on the dinghy that has is in the lower right corner of the Beach.

You will walk into a huge ship battle! Click on the instructions in the bottom right to learn how your team can help damage the other team’s ship.

If your team’s ship is damaged, don’t worry! Use the mining hat to walk over to a hole and then dance/drill to repair it.

Keep an eye out for booty, I mean, Cream Soda and win your team those points and items! Yum!

Rockhopper could show up at any time so keep your eyes peeled and your looking glasses prepped for his arrival! I hope you’re in our Discord server so you can see the mascot tracker!

That’s all for this party! Some rooms have changed that were not mentioned in this guide, so make sure to explore. Have fun and try not to have to walk the plank, alright?

Emcee 🌙 – Colonel 


Is perpetual twilight really all that bad?


  1. thanks!


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