Kingdom of Pets Paw-rty – March 2025

Another month another PPC party! That’s right! The RPF Party Planning Committee is back with another fun party for everyone to get involved in during our week off from March Madness! Inspired by the Puffle Party arriving on Club Penguin Journey, PPC has decided to launch their own celebration of pets! That’s why we’re excited to announce the Kingdom of Pets Paw-rty! Read on to find out more.

The Kingdom of Pets Paw-rty will last from March 24 until March 30 and will celebrate all things pet! From your virtual puffles to your IRL companions, we want to see you get involved in this paw-rty and show your appreciation for your pets! There’s even an exclusive role up for grabs for completing the tasks!

Walk your Pet!

You can’t forget to walk your pet (unless its a fish) so instead of a traditional task list, that’s what you need to do. We’ve mapped out a route for you, and as long as you complete 7/9 tasks including attending 2 Club Penguin events, you’ll gain the Rebel’s Best Friend role. The tasks can be found below!

1. Attend 2 Club Penguin Events

2. Post a picture of your pet in #pets channel

3. Participate towards a Community Challenge quest

4. Take part in the quiz

5. Have a party themed name

6. Attend the Breakday

7. Enter the Contest

8. Complete the Tuxedo Times Party Puzzle

9. Answer this form to tell what animal you would have as a pet if you could

You’ll get 100 Rebel Cash for every task you complete, and if you complete all 9 tasks you’ll get a bonus 100 RC, for a total of 1000 RC!

You can use the command .tasks to pull up the task sheet at any point during the party!

Community Tasks

If a personal list of quests wasn’t enough for you, we’ve also got some community tasks for you to participate in! Once all of the community tasks have been completed, a Rebel Cash giveaway will be unlocked for everyone who helped to complete it! There are 5 tasks to be completed.

1. 20 Different Pet Themed Server Nicknames

2. 15 Different Pets submitted through the form (get creative!)

3. 100 Mentions of Puffles in Main (Spam won’t be counted)

4. 15 Contest Entries

5. Max 30 at an Event

For each one of these tasks completed, you’ll unlock something to help care for your pet! So work together and crowdfund towards completing these tasks! To see progress, check the #community-task channel in the RPF server!


PPC have created a quiz to tell you what pet you’d be! You can find it here. Comment your answers on the post linked, and it will shortly be awarded to you by a member of PPC! You can find this quiz at any time by using the command .quiz in the RPF server.


Use this form to tell us what animal you could have as a pet if you could. It doesn’t matter how practical it would be! We want to know! You can find this form at any time by using the command .form in the RPF server.

Practice Battle

We might be having a break from March Madness this week, but we can’t afford to catnap as we go into the finals. Our Brother Allies, Water Vikings, have kindly agreed to have a pet themed Practice Battle with us on Saturday! They’ll be dressing up as fish for the occassion, with RPF dressing up as cats! Be sure to join us for this!

Post in #Pets

What better way to celebrate pets than by showing yours off in the #pets channel! Share a picture of your pet in there to complete this task! No pet? Don’t worry! Just share a picture of a pet you would have if you could!

That’s everything! We hope you get involved in this paw-some paw-rty! If you have any questions about the party, or want to check your progress towards the role, don’t hesitate to get in touch with any PPC member! To find out who is in PPC, use the command .inrole Party Planning Committee in the #bots channel!

Thank you to gabgeirl for the Task Trackers, Lehky for the Server Banner, Master DS for the Server Icon, and Ohasa for the Title Graphic!

~Party Planning Committee~


it's my breakdown i get to choose the soundtrack


  1. B

  2. 1. b
    2. a
    3. c
    4. b
    5. d
    6. b
    7. c
    8. c
    9. a
    10. c

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