It’s that time again to celebrate another anniversary, but not just any anniversary, RPF’S 15TH ANNIVERSARY! We’ve had so many accomplishments and victories throughout the years it’s astonishing. We logged onto WARZONECPAB wearing RED WHITE AND BLACK OUTFITS to celebrate this momentous occasion. We partied like no tomorrow with our celebratory tactics and historic formations!

MAX: 47

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Ever wanted to twin clothes with your penguin friend? For this EU event, the rebels did just that, matching outfits with a fellow troop! Logging on to IceBreaker – CPAB, we rocked our snazziest twinning fits while performing trendy tactics and formations! Great job today, rebels!

MAX: 29

AVG: 29

Don’t forget to comment your Discord Name and Rank below!

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Hello Rebels! We continued our 15th anniversary celebrations today with a U-Lead Event and the chance to win the Honorary Hcom role. Logging on to Klondike, we picked out a musical instrument each and took part in some amazing forms where we provided tactics that always hit the right chord! Thanks for joining us!

MAX: 30

AVG: 28

Be sure to leave your Discord Name and Rank below!

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Operation: Smelting Silver [US]

Hey there, rebels! On yet another Club Penguin event, we logged on to CPAB – Ice  Breaker, with our RPF uniforms, for another pract- no, this time, we had a game tournament against our allies, the Silver Empire! After doing tactics and practicing our formations, penguins ran from room to room countless times!

MAX: 24

Remember to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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Heyo, Rebels! Admist our jam-packed anniversary week, we brought back a classic Ausia event! We logged onto Ice Breaker – CPAB wearing hard hats and drilled away! We shook the island with our rock solid formations and dazzling tactics. Hope you all enjoyed working hard in the mines today!

MAX: 26

AVG: 26

Remember to comment your Discord name and rank!

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May the Fourth be with you! Continuing with our fun anniversary week, we logged on to  Icebreaker – CPAB, dawning our storm trooper outfits. Embracing our inner warrior side, we took over the island for a fierce Star Wars-themed game of hide and seek with our fellow Ice Warriors allies! Unfortunately, only one survived the fierce competition and that is:

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