For today’s EU event, we held a James Bond-themed event called Operation: No Time to Die. The rebels used the code ‘MISSIONSRETURED’ to get their outfits and pulled up to Abominable to perform some amazing tactics and formations. Great job today rebels!

MAX: 26

Make sure to comment your Discord name and Rank down below if you attended!

Access Report


Tis the season for rain and colder weather; as we wait for the holidays and puffles to be released what better way to merge the two? We logged onto ZIPLINECPRewritten wearing our PUFFLE RAINCOATS, we sang our way through the rain with our snowbound tactics and precipitating formations. We finished it off with a fun PUFFLE ROUNDUP tournament. Everyone did a alluring job but only three could win 

Access Report


Hey there Rebels! Welcome back to another edition of the Pet Column, where Anya, Cracked, Jaeun, and Yas meet the pets of RPF! Post your pets in the #pets channel and you may have a chance of being interviewed for our upcoming column. We hope you enjoy reading about these lovely pets just as much as we enjoyed interviewing them!

Access Report


Today the rebels logged onto Zipline – CPRewritten for Operation: Coat Camouflage. Wearing any coat or jacket, they performed splendid tactics and fabulous formations. In the second half of the event, the rebels played a good old fashioned game of troops vs. HCOM hide and seek.

The winner of Hide n Seek is…

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Operation: Don’t Dig Straight Down [EU]

Look what we found here by mining all that stone Rebels! A Minecraftinspired event here on Club Penguin, just as valuable as finding diamonds or emeralds! The Rebels decided to enter multiplayer mode and spawn in  Zipline – CPRewritten! We also made sure to grab enough iron and sticks to craft our snow shovels needed for swinging them side to side! We generated craftful tactics powered by redstone and well-built forms full of various penguin blocks! Amazing session today, we really created quite a world here!

Max: 32

Avg: 30

Be sure to comment your Discord Name and Rank if you attended our fun Minecraft event!

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