Hi there Rebels! For today’s AUSIA event, we logged onto Zipline – CPRewritten for Operation: Sweater Weather! We went around the island dressed up in our favorite sweaters doing “ugly” tactics and warm forms! Overall, amazing job at the event today Rebels!

MAX: 25

AVG: 24

Make sure you comment with your Discord Username and Rank if you attended!

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Christmas Chaos XI Quarterfinals [EU]

Today, the rebels suited up in uniform and logged on to Sleet-CPRewritten to kick off their participation in the Christmas Chaos XI Quarterfinals! We faced off against our allies SWAT for an epic battle of fast tactics, clean formations, and of course big word bubbles! Both armies gave it their all, but only one was victorious:

The winner is…

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Back at it again with your friendly neighborhood rebel as we train harder for this upcoming CHRISTMAS CHAOS XI battle tomorrow. We logged onto ABOMINABLECPRewritten wearing the SPIDER WIG. We swung our way throughout the island with our web-shooting tactics and heightened formations. Sensational job today rebels!

MAX: 3

AVG: 30

Don’t forget to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended! 

Access Report


With CCXI approaching ever closer, the rebels logged onto Zipline – CP Rewritten for another training event. Only this time, we spiced things up a bit. Air Force and Navy battled it out with fast tactics and fantastic formations, but as we all know, only one can come out on top.

Access Report


Hey there Rebels! For todays US event, we logged on Zipline-CPRewritten and used code ECLIPSEGLASSES and used the grey sunglasses for this event! We trained further for this event for this Sundays CCIX! Rebels showed their readiness by performing fast tactics and clean formations in order to get another win for this Sunday! Thank you to everyone that came out for todays training event and good job today!

MAX: 26

Don’t forget to comment your discord name and rank down below if you attended!

Access Report


Troop of the Week #224

Throughout the week, the Rebels have been training hard for the upcoming CCXI Tournament where our first round is coming this weekend. Troops have been working hard in the Rebel Penguin Federation to get ready to defend our title. With all the hard work and training, HCOM has noticed one person shine above everyone else and has been appointed as this week’s Troop of the Week.

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