Operation: Joke Island [EU]

Heya Rebels! Today We logged into CPABTuxedoStadium and had a very entertaining event that even Clopin will speak about for ages to come! We had ludicrous tactics and silly formations that wowed the crowd. Thank you everyone for attending!

MAX: 26
AVG: 24

Dont forget to comment your Rank and Discord Name if you attended with us today!
Access Report

Operation: Theatrical Tactics [US]

Lights, camera, action! The Rebels are ready for their close up! For today’s movie-ing U-Lead event, we logged onto CPJ – Blizzard and met at the Docks. Red carpet ready in our Tuxedos and Top Hats, we left the island starstruck by preforming reel-y terrific tactics in focused formations! Thanks to everyone who joined, now roll the credits!

MAX: 27

Remember to comment your Discord Name and Rank below if you attended!

Access Report

Operation: Painting Shapes [US]

Heya Rebels! Today we logged into CPABTuxedoStadium to showcase our
creative spirit and artistic drive. From visionary tactics to innovative formations we painted CPAB with all the colors of the wind, and spectacular RPF pride. Thank you everyone for attending!

MAX: 22
AVG: 22

Don‘t forget to comment your Discord Name and Rank if you attended with us today!
Access Report

Operation: Catch Me If You Can [EU]

Crouch, bind, set! Today we logged on to CPJ – Blizzard – Stadium to scrum our way through a ruck-tastic rugby event. We kicked off the event with high energy, converted our formations into flawless plays, and rucked and rolled our way across the pitch. Our teamwork was so good that even our lineouts couldn’t fail! Thank you all so much for attending! 


Don’t forget to put your Discord Name and Rank if you attended today

Access Report

Operation: Fruity Foodie Fanatic [EU]

The Penguin Picnic Palooza continues, and the Rebels sure are feeling fruity over today’s Smoothie Smash Tourney! Dressed as our favorite foodie and fruity delights, we logged on to CPAB – Tuxedo and met at the Town for our picnic food themed event. We blended up some berry good tactics in zesty and fresh formations before heading to the Coffee shop for an apple-solutely smashing tournament! This event was anything but sour, but only three could squeeze out the win…..

Access Report

Operation: Soldier, Poet, King [US]

Hear ye, hear ye Rebels! Today we logged into CPABTuxedoForest to sing the songs of nature and enjoy the sweet poems from Eden. We dressed in our softest amber-golds and deep purples. We participated in the most mystical formations and fantastical tactics that made the surrounding animals look upon in awe. Thank you for attending!

MAX: 21

Don’t forget to comment your Discord Name and Rank if you attended with us today
Access Report

Troop of the Week #327

It is another Friday and it is time for another Troop of the week! This week, the rebels have been enjoying our PPC party, Penguin Picnic Palooza, devouring all the food and having a great time! With increased activity, sometimes it’s difficult for one person to just stand out, but one person has indeed done that. So without further ado, our newest Troop of the Week is….

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