Troop of the Week #300

H\ey Rebels! What’s that a new TOTW???? This last chilled-down week has passed, and it’s time to announce this week’s Troop of the Week! Keep reading up on this post to find out who the lucky rebel of TOTW #300 iss…

That’s correct Troi is this week’s Troop of the Week! after joining RPF in late june troi has quickly become a friendly face in RPF #main chat as well as seeing them at many events! With that being said, this came as no surprise that Troi9523 is the best candidate for this week’s TOTW!

Be sure to say congrats to Troi in main chat!

Operation: All I Do is Train Train Train [EU]

Hey rebels! For today’s event we logged onto Tuxedo – CPAB for a classic training event to build our battling skills! We wore our RPF uniforms as we did quick tactics and forms! Thanks to everyone who joined us today to help us train!

Max: 25

Avg: 22

Make sure to comment your discord name and rank if you attended today!

Access Report


Wassup Rebels!!!! Today we logged onto Blizzard-CPJ for a training event!!! We showed up in our Mirror Ball costumes and danced our socks off with our flashy formations and twinkling tactics. Thanks to everyone who joined us today!!

MAX: 26
AVG: 24

Make sure to comment your discord name and rank below if you attended the event!

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OPERATION: Frog Squad! [US]

RIBBIT Rebels!! Today we logged onto Blizzard – CPJ for a frogtastic event!! We showed up to our little frog pool with our cute frog onesies and we did some ribbiting around the island with our froggalicious tactics and formations which had all the frogs jumping and just being hoppy in general!! Thank you all so so much for attending this froggy event! 🐸

MAX: 22

Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank down below if you attended this event!!

Access Report

OPERATION: Victory Ashored! [EU]

Hello Rebels!! Today, we logged onto CPAB – Warzone for the semi-finals of Legends Cup XIV where we went against our brother army, the Water Vikings!! We arrived on the battleground with our fashionable and signature uniforms, and we did some speedy and daunting tactics as we competed to try to get to the winner’s finals! Both armies showed great creativity and skill to win the semi-finals, but only one army was the champion here..

Access Report


Hiya Rebels! For today’s EU event, we logged on to Tuxedo-CPAB for our last training event before the Legends Cup XIV Semi Final round! Putting on our uniforms, we sped through this training like our lives depended on it, from speedy formations to zooming through tactics. GOTTA GO FAST! Good job Rebels!

MAX: 24

AVG: 22

Don’t forget to also comment your Discord Name and Rank below if you attended this fast event!

Access Report


Legends Cup is back and so is the RNM Contest Team!! For this Legends Cup themed contest, The RNM Contest Team is asking YOU to design your very own version of an RPF Medal, which could possibly be our little (hopefully) winning Legends Cup medal!!

Legends Cup is where we all come together and work for the winning trophy!! Let’s see what you rebels can do with this designing contest!! For this contest, you can showcase your editing, drawing, and decorating skills!!

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