Back in 2019, an operation called “The Holiday Hundred” was created shortly after RPF returned to the army community. It was a month long operation used to bring back hype in the army, with the end goal of maxing sizes of 100+ for EU and 50+ for AUSIA.
In 2023, one could argue that RPF was not thriving as well as we hoped it would. Despite being dominant in wars and maintaining our status in a time where a lot of armies were struggling, our sizes were not what they once were and we kept coming short in tournaments, such as always finishing in 2nd place, sometimes lower than that. Due to that, an idea for an operation similar to “The Holiday Hundred” was born. Similar to last time, the goal is to bring back hype in the server, motivate ourselves to carry on the success following Christmas Chaos XIV, and hopefully reach a size max of 100+ by the end (without allies). It is 18 months since the idea was formulated, and we are very excited to finally be able to bring it to you.
So with that, we commence,

Access Report