Today we logged onto Zipline – CPR for our US event, Operation: Strike Force Strikes Back! We trained in this Strike Force styled event wearing our uniforms and bearing our RPF spirit. We performed tidy tactics and flawless forms. Amazing job today rebels!

MAX: 36

AVG: 34

Remember to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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For today’s AUSIA event, we logged onto Zipline – CPRewritten for Operation: Colors of the Rainbow! In this event, suggested by Yvng, the Rebels went around the island dressed head to toe in one of the seven lovely rainbow colors they have chosen to represent. It was another fun event to continue off the all-month-long Pride Month Festivities. Fantastic job today Rebels!

MAX: 43

AVG: 42

Make sure you comment with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

Happy Pride Month Rebels!

Access Report


We’ve all played Bingo before, and we all certainly have played Hide & Seek in our childhood as well; but I bet you’ve never played both of them combined! Well today we logged on to Zipline on CP Rewritten to give everyone a chance to play and compete. Hope you all had fun at today’s event, and keep fighting the good fight! But before we wrap this up;

The winner is….

Access Report


Hey Rebels! Today we logged onto Ascent – CPRewritten, to show all our pride during Pride Month, and to never forget about the Stonewall Riots. I’m sure no one thought that 52 years after the riot a bunch of penguins were going to do this, but we did. Many armies together, no war, no fire, only proud. On that ceasefire day, we performed awesome forms and made perfect tactics. Good Job!

🏳️‍🌈 Bandeira Do Arco-íris Emoji MAX: 50 🏳️‍🌈 Bandeira Do Arco-íris Emoji

🏳️‍🌈 Bandeira Do Arco-íris Emoji AVG: 50 🏳️‍🌈 Bandeira Do Arco-íris Emoji

Don’t forget to comment your Discord Name and rank!

Happy Pride Month Rebels!!!

Access Report


For today’s US event, we logged onto Zipline-CPRewritten for Operation: Tremendous Tourney. To cast off the weekend we had an Ice Fishing tournament that we got to vote for and man, it was a catch. With a side of linear tactics and snapper formations, it made out to be a reeling event! Without a trout everyone did a fintastic job, we can however only have one winner

The winners are… Access Report

Clash of Titans: Rebel Penguin Federation vs Help Force vs Army of Club Penguin

To cap off a successful AUSIA week, the Rebel Penguin Federation held an AUSIA practice battle against the Help Force and the Army of Club Penguin.  All three of these armies have a strong AUSIA presence, so it would be anyone’s game. These armies have all taken turns holding the #1 spot on the weekly Top Ten, meaning that this would be an even match up.

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