UPCOMING NEWS – 4/9/2019

Hey Rebels!

Below are all the upcoming events on CPR!

Stadium Games

Make sure to check out the Stadium to take a look at its new decoration and participate in some of the fun!

Penguin Style

The new Penguin Style just got released on September 5th! Find our guide for the catalog here!


Furniture Catalog

The new Furniture Catalog will be released on September 12th! Stay tuned for our guide on the catalog!

Collectable Pins

Hidden until September 12th, find the latest pins available here!


Hey Rebels!

Today for our Saturday AUSIA event, we went on Blizzard for Operation: Perpetual Pizza Party! Like the name implies, we put on the I-Love-Pizza shirt and ate a ton of pizza, as well as doing some hot and spicy tactics across the island!

MAX: 39

AVG: 34

Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended! FTGF!

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Troop Of The Week #107

Troop of the Week #107

It’s been a good week for the Rebel Penguin Federation, with great events for all regions! We’ve had many more new members joining, so a huge thank you to everyone who’s been recruiting (despite the setbacks), and a welcome to our newest Rebels! Deciding the Troop of the Week is always a difficult task and it took a lot of discussion. However, there was one troop who really stood out to us. This week’s Troop Of The Week is…
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Hey there, Rebels!

For our US event, we logged onto Zipline and went around the island showing off our stunning new uniforms. Great tactics and formations today, and thank you to everyone who attended!

Max: 50

Avg: 46

Comment your Discord name and rank below if you attended:

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Operation: Future Seekers [AUSIA]

Hello Rebels!

Today we logged onto Blizzard for our AUSIA event Operation: Future Seekers. We wore the Fortune Teller outfit from Gift Shop Catalog and foretold the future for how the event turned out. As foretold, the event was really fun with some amazing tactics and forms! Great event everybody!


Make sure to comment with your discord name and rank down below!

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Operation: Stamp Bonanza [EU]


Today we logged onto Marshmallow for our EU Operation: Stamp Bonanza. Our goal was to help our new members collect as many stamps as possible. Overall the event was a great success with many stamps being collected by all!

Comment below with your name and rank if you attended!

MAX: 47

AVG: 39

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Heya Rebels!

For the Wednesday EU event, we logged onto Marshmallow and participated in a flash mob where we started the beginning of the event dressed in the Ice Cream Aprons before switching halfway through to our RPF uniform.

Max: 40

Avg: 37

If you attended, make sure to comment with your username and rank!

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What’s up Rebels!

We all logged onto Marshmallow today to train while led by our wonderful Mod Team! As a special surprise, we did a Mod U-Lead last second, training both our troops and our future leaders. Great job to all troops on a well executed event!

Max: 43

Avg: 40

If you attended, make sure to comment your Discord name and rank below!

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Heya Rebels!

Well done to everyone who attended today’s AUSIA event, Operation: MOAB! We all logged on to Zipline and bombed the island with our amazing tactics.

Max: 21

Avg: 21

If you attended, make sure to comment your Discord name and rank below!

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