Troop Of The Week #61

Hello, Rebels!

This week’s Troop of the Week is finally here!

This person has been chosen because they are active in chat, speak regularly to others, and attend our events. They are hardworking and set a good example for other troops. 

I am proud to announce that this week’s Troop of the Week is…

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This week marks the thirty-ninth official edition of “Troop Interviews”, where a team of interviewers (currently are Amadeus23, Marija, Track, MissMariss, and Klein) ask two or more individuals questions. These questions that are asked may not be the same throughout each interview as it is wanted for each interview to be original and have its own unique highlights. Along with that, the questions asked are to achieve a better understanding of each rebel and how different/similar everyone is to one another. There are many rebels here in the Rebel Federation, as you may know, so it will be difficult to get to everyone who requests to be interviewed.


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Operation – Pirate Party [EU]


Today we hosted an EU Pirate event on the server Marshmallow! We dressed as pirates and recruited penguins across the island. Our Objective: Protect our treasure from those who dare to steal it! Our Objective was met!

MAX: 20+

Avg: 17

Comment with your Discord Name and Rank if you attended

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Town of Salem [AUSIA – Results]

Hello, RF!

Today, we had a splendid time playing Town of Salem. Both rounds were tough games, but were fun at the same time! In the end, we finally have our victorious winners.

Congrats to the winners of the first round: Wxbp, Trackling, and Pika as Town!

Congrats to the winners of the second round: Amadeus as Arsonist!

Comment with your name and rank if you’ve attended!

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Halloween Igloo Contest

Hello RF!

Today, the Contest Team is launching another RNM contest! This weeks contest is a contest that everyone can get involved in, even if you aren’t very artistic! The main factor of this contest is creativity. It is the Halloween Igloo Contest!

In order to enter this contest, you have to be a part of the RF! If you are not already, click here to join! Access Report