This week marks the ninety-sixth official edition of “Troop Interviews”, where a team of interviewers (currently Ella, Lemur, and omniz) asks two or more people questions. Interviews won’t have the same questions; each interview’s purpose is to show originality and have its unique highlights. Along with that, the questions asked to give us a better understanding of each troop and how different or similar everyone is in the community. There’s an exponential amount of members here in the Rebel Penguin Federation, so it won’t be easy to get to everyone who requests an interview. The Rebel Broadcast Team graciously appreciates the patience you all have and hope to see you guys in a post one day!

We have three interviews this week with Mads, Roogy, and Axylide!

Access Report

Operation: Flawless Forms [EU]

Hey Rebels! Christmas Chaos is getting even nearer so its time for some Formation Training! We logged onto CPABattleground-Klondike wearing the Classic RPF Uniform and dashed around into neat formations to sharpen our skills for the upcoming CCXIII Quarter Finals! Amazing job today rebels!



Don’t forget to comment below if you attended todays event so we can give you a giveaway point!

Access Report


Four sword style??? Today we logged onto Klondike – CPAB for this super epic training event! We waddled around the island with our sharp tactics and forms to prepare for this weekend’s CCXIII round! The penguin is mightier than the sword…

MAX: 19

AVG: 19

Comment on this post with your discord name and rank if you attended this event!

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Operation: Rebel Rewind [US]

Hi rebels! For today’s event we logged onto Blizzard – CPJ wearing the time travelers hat for a Christmas Chaos training event! We went around doing some amazing tactics and forms! Thanks to everyone who joined us today! 😎

Max: 15

Make sure to comment your discord name and rank if you attended today!!

Access Report

Operation: Snazzy Scarves [AUSIA]

Wrap up rebels, its getting cold outside! Today we logged onto CPJourneyBlizzard for a fun event wearing our best scarves! We waddled around doing fun tactics and huddled for warmth in neat formations! Great job at this event rebels!


Don’t forget to comment with your Discord Username and Rank below if you came along to todays event!

Access Report


Hello Rebels! With Christmas Chaos hot on our feathery tails, we logged on to Klondike-CPAB for a Practice Battle against EGCP! We put on our rebellious uniforms and set out to fight EGCP for glory. Both sides braved through the battle with epic formations and fire raging tactics as both sides fought for victory. Great battle Rebels!


AVG: 17

Don’t forget to comment your Discord Name and Rank below if you attended the battle!

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