Rebel Commander
Danielle | Queenieliz | Silverburg
Deputy Commander
1337Mishka | Cosmo| Guidocars | Keemyorg123 | Klein | Lucy | Peaky | Plane | Queeniealex | Reyder | Rose | Weebwad
Lieutenant General
Amadeus23 | Cassie
Major General
Dino | DJCrystal
Brigadier General
Bscharbach2 | Haider67
Lieutenant Colonel
Mindy4IsBack | MDj113
Leothelion255, Orange37408, True_Despair,
First Lieutenant
Brownboy102, Cindy77, Coolguy1608, Cpr1234, Fluo, Kellis, Litt7, Tasos2017, Thisjacktansley, Wolfy Daddy
Second Lieutenant
Alexan Jr, Sirplus1881
Sergeant Major
Ayush, Jetropulsion, Mr. Ribcage, Kajus, Silvercat, Vishal72002, Wavy Shell, Zottffss
First Sergeant
3intimidator, ACutePuffle, Aishajabz, Eesa, Eva, ImNotAforest, MyCydric7, Niallplays, Skater, Streghten, Therai
Master Sergeant
Sergeant First Class
BobTheBleach, BolinCPR, Devilishgirl, GodGaben, JT, Kam66, Racer, R0b0bart, Wafflez, Warship
Staff Sergeant
CaptainTheo, Dat1Mew, HelloGoodSir, Joey Cubes, Peekabooo, Pinpin516, Plesiosaurus, SarcasticPVP, Sebbiice, Wxbp
Bob Dill, Da_Hunter, DaftBasilisk, Derp, Elizabeth, Empress Katie, Fardh, Frostly, Gamezgirl, Jenna (Seal), Jonpike, Joseph, KittenMittns, Kylobensolo13, Letherm, Mestergamer, NickEman13, NickPl4ysDSC, Nickywolf8, OrchidDreams, Pedro, Pinkoliv123, Rhysperry111, Summer, TheBluePickle, Windowsyll, Yinguin16, Zemaster
ArtseySmart, age of civilizations II fan, Breakable_Eggshell, Chidda, DeanTH1, I’m Melancholy, Jasper, Lari Bee, LoombaLoomba, Pinkowlcat, RuffTheRobot, SeaofSeagulls, SupaDupaUnicorn, Superdan1000, TheBigKahuna, TheDogbone1, Viljam
Lance Corporal
0rry, 2460Juan, Alienhunter, Ari, Azxyte, Bailee, Blackapple 64, Bryguy5101, Bunnehprincess, ChairFuzz, Cole2169, Flojo, FrostedEdge8, Ghosting Sniper, Hulk17, IAmAPotato, J._.Griff, Jay0005Insect, KingDuke, Lady Stardust, Lewistheman, Noodkes, Nelly2402, OmaKnight, Penguin Damo, Redweeb, Samwhite567, Saturnz, Scrumph, Sportspro 2.0, Tiggyz, Toonie, Wingblade02
Private First Class
360samvolt, AdamBrownbill, Agent 51, AlfieSteel, Alex70982, Allinol, AlWarfare, Andrmont98, Antioch, Big Chungus1, Bloom, Bobbyfintch9, Boomieson, BoyanFTW, Bluepengui9, Bry, Burger king, Chipmoonk, CoffinCo, Cosmin250, Cyberhusky, Dabug, DaPenguJason, Dizzmizz, Dokid0ki, Dooni, Dragan-tron, Epicstyle, Excalibur, ExplodingVortex, Floppet, Foiled, Fotonix, FratGoddess, Frenchip, GalaxyXena, Greatgatsby, Gonheda, Hamsaa, Hated, Jacki, JakeTheBird, Jessrosco, Jordan82679, Juancho, Kenneth1126, Kirigami, KV, Light, Lecca, Lil Bloom, Lituh, Lonely, Lort533, Luckystarx78, LufferGooferYT, Madeline0923, Marcboi, Marilyn, MTCGhost, Nanomenez, Netherlandsball, Ninja4073, NotDanTDM, Oliver_harmonia, PattyHull, Phoeniks, Radicalpandas, RedHerbert, RichyRob, Riley, Roog, Robpop123, Roughcut707, Rubix, Sammurphs, Scorpion, Shadowstorm0, SirParksALot, SiVann, Slimmy Jimmy, Sonos1, Spiderling, Stevos500, Stamm, Starship, Suitilina the Dragon, SupaSid, Tanman206, Teekz, TomCat3, Train506, Triquadbidual, Trydox, Tuleh, Urghh6, Vegfj, VewPew, Victor 2, Waterbaby, Wolvesarecool, Zed, Zhe_Random_Prussian
Adk9p, Absence, Aidoru, Alphapizzadog, Angrybread, aNiallator, Anires, Azarax, Bee2160, Bird Mom, Bobthebuldr, Brett, BrettRH, Boypablo, CPRDirectorBoom, Charflax, Chaserwing12, Chickie02, Dabbie0, Daisyyyyyyyd, Danthegodg, DetectiveMouse, Datclarin0t, Ddewing, Diddle, Debate, Devidkee, Dojomaster64, Donomade, Dp38, Drevis, Ducqy, ezkioland, FireKillerz, God, Game over, Golden Ata, Greybar, GusTTShowbiz, Hated, Hamicks, Hawy33y33haw, Henrique035, Hirridok, Ian12641, Iergegech, iSn2ckerspupCP, Itamar, Jackal, Jacksjacobs1, Jakob, Jamie2001, Jawad, JayEssWhy, Jillypoo, Johnna, Jua2ja2, JT , Kaikatt, KaiXO, Kakamies, kathrynalexa, Katlyn7, Keisti, Kitten, KeithTheEmo, KingBowserRF, Koolara, Kuwui, Lazari, Limbow, Liviecam, Lolui, LuigiAustralian, LankyMcSwanky, LanzCP, Lartsake, LukeTheNerd, Lunaaaa04, Macchitsuki, MaroonGoof, Meltingsky35, Meow, Merkz, Mikey, MinishCaps, Moorey, Ms. Octocat, NewManHere, Nexus, Nochey, Noverno, OhMila, OwO, Peggy, Pengu Joyce, Peter, Pipluplife, Pizzaroll8, Polo Chow, Poutine, PROcapone, Pulido, PumpkinGrinder, PurbPlace237, QuirkySmirkyIan, Radicalpandas, RandomPuff, RabinDrake, Record Player, Ross6776, Scarf, Sekksikoray, Skours, Supercomet99, Suspend, Syn, Terrell, The pig, Tirepenguin, TreeRoot, Trydox, Tiffyxoxo, Tinap, Toby1804, Tubb34, Ubercat, Van Vinc, Waffelo, Wölfboi, Xyphario, YBN nahmir
Everyone who joins the Rebel Federation receives this role by default! In order to gain a promotion to Private, all you have to do is attend an event.