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Rebel Commander
Plane | Ultipenguinj
Second in Command
Klein | Pookie437 | Redweeb
Head General
Cosmo | Danielle | F6sixer | Starship | Wolves
Chaos | Emcee | Klance42069 | Moon | Rocket
Lieutenant General
Amadeus23 | Brenatto | Crazzyhead | Elexonck | IcyMammi | Sugarrush289 | Tycho | Witchkiki
Major General
AishaJabz | Cassie | Electric Yammie | Minipup | Penho | Tulia
Brigadier General
BenTheGunn | CatBallou0 | Eva | Max 186 | Mochii | Raneaosama
AFlyingSpider, Borko, Brattybottom, Elizabeth6133, LanzCP, Leothelion, Marija, ⚠️max⚠️, Paddy, Pinkoliv123, RipplingSapphire, Rose, RoyallySuperb, Tanseh5, Taz_Run21
Dutske, JJ Alpha Wolf, Objectshow, Rai, sharkboi, Sloaps, Tinandcopper
Alina, AwesomeBob20, hintoflimee, Hythonwolf, Lotte, Orange37408, Sy 💙, Vinzed N, Wavy Shell
ACutePuffle, Coolguy1608, CuriousKitty, DigginDino, DOMESTIC, greenplum3, Kaigal, LucaBoss64, Nuggy, OptimisticOtter, o r c h i d, PlayWorks, ShadowFOX, Summer, TheDesiIndian, Unicorn Sniper, Yo Gal
aisha, BlazinGemstone, blu29h, Carlos, DatSosige, Derp, Dylwithit, Jay0005, Jayns, Jstoryhead, Kenny, LonkTheBonk, lucifer., marucha, Milly6789, Musicmingo, NickEman, Plesiosaurus, Ray, Rosalin, Selene Nora, Tasos, VenHur, Yirtuji
3.1416tudo, AbbyTurtleGirl, Aquatic Snek, Athena, Atrixquad, Avocadobb, CaptainWafflezXD, Corster100, DarthMonkey2965, Eemmmmaaa, Jordan82679, Kert, Legacy, MaddieCW3, Miner, Monikarlson, Pinpin516, SeaFoamie, Squeezy595, Somapodra, Steax, Tofoo, Trackling, VoidSquid, WaterPelyn, Zevard
~missmay~, 3tadpoles, A Random Owl, Ackoroth, AGenericObama, AmazonBOY, AmberLights, AquaticBurrito, blue milk, bonkadoodle, Bre432, Brotherstar, CEO of Club Penguin, Cristal, DaftBasilisk, Derek, DisastrousDyke, Dolan, Drpowk, EliElectro, Fawna8275, Gabbae, garlic11, Gjsolo, Goontersmonkey, Hami, Jazzy J, JellyJSYK, Kirby_390, Koley 2, Kookie, Laleaea, Lego_Iready, lil sadison, Meg111, Mepp, Mycydric7, NobodiesHero, nochyll, Nyx, Oops, Peppa437, Pixel, Poppy Kate, Py08, Raven17, Realpie79, RODOLFO3, Roughcut707, r.r.ed, Samy31, SharkPettingZoo, ShroomTheBoi, Snowy, Superdan1000, Sydthepenguin, ThatAnnonB, T Jump, Trotskyman, Vinayak, WavyyOzzyy, WeAllSadNow, WolfyDaddy, Womeef, Yinguin, ZacDaPenguin, Zekrom
*-*Luis*-*, 1cyg1r1, ;), 7sita, 987Leo, Ahlele, AaronGS, Abbygem03, Adam, Ajax, Alexgen5, alfie, Almighty, AL0Y, AlphaHawk, AmazonBOY, Antonio, A.R., Ari, Art440, A S C E N D E D, ashu, Astrid Lowe, audrey, Autumnals, Aws, Azura, baguette, Bakewell, Baklavaboi, Babyg17rl, Bara, Big Clarence, Bird, Bishoy, bitzyMouse, Bloom103, Blueperson2, Boovven, Boy29, brazilgirl27, Bre, Broblanker, Bub, Bunniegutz, C-axis, Cabbage, Calliflower, callumore, Caspar110, caseycostes, cassie, Catgoeskek, Carlos, Chad, ChoccyNZ, Chooks, Chanda25252, Chernobyl Dog, ChickenIsGood28, chihuahuasauce, Chuiist, CKIG, Cole Anthony, Colin, Comber21, Cooleg_Killa, Coolio17981, Coolgroub, Cosmo, Criogonal, Crunchwrapxx, Cyrstal8, Darlly, Delphin12, Deputy James, Detective, Devon, Dildy, Divanadium, DJ Alex, DJQuack, Dogeloaf, Dolan, Dragon, DrDark, DtheAUPingu2, Duke2016, Dylan, Elebge, elleeb8, EmoGabby8, EnchantedOwl42, Everyyyxy, Fally, FarawayDrip30, Fardh, FangMelodyKat, Fini, FiniteMyriad, fishbowl, Flamingblitz, flyingburrito25, Foop, Fortnite1234, Frog, FTGF, Gabi, gamergirl1012, Gebo, Georgiamg, GHosSTs, Gia, Girl Pajames, Golden Dragon, GPLuver22, grace, Gyr4dos, HairyDogger, Hami, HawkGuy, HelveticaDumplings, Hug Dealer, HuwAHHHH, IBlameSimko, Ice Cream, ILoveStitch3000, Imabot123124, ItzSoggyBread, iztrash, James_Northcombe, JAMS, Jaynautic, JazzyJ, JazzyMike, Jess, jetblack3307, jetropulsion, JJFORTHEWIN6, J0llyZe, Jon Arbuckle, JordanVu, Joshiboshi13, Joya, Jymeo, Kacerbone, Kamisback, KamodySS, kashikaru, kat1570, KatieP2017, kitkat8618, kittenzrulz123, Kaylaaa, Kermer, Kevin, kevven99, khaz, Kie, Kiki201983, Kinzoku, Kismett, Komunistin, Kookie (lil iced doorknob), Kpsmms, Kristofer886, kuno101, Lampshade, LankyKing, Lanrie, Latchz, Layla Jo, Leebee078, Lemonnade, LethalRenegade, Levon, Liquid, lil em, LittleMan, LKH, LonkTheBonk, Loserton, Louise Frost, LucasBoss64 RO, lucky, Lucy01, Lul_Jono03, Lylaaa, M1ntyFr3sh0, Maid, Makai9, Master DS, MajorRiptide, maluarce, Matuu-Tosuto, Maxwell124 (Bruner777), Mdt1104, MathewJ217, megalad42, Meownica, Micderper, MILAM, millie, Miniprius, MissMariss, Mit665, moisotis, Momo, MonokumaV3, Mystique123, NajalexNight, NATigerPower, Nevewhittaker, NoizCoezens, Nojoponlen, notashley, Nut, Ollie255, oknad, Ozzy, Oreoshik, Ovenrak, ozzy, Polar, pancakes28, Papa_Sasquatch, Pasta, PaulnPancake, PC, PenguFan, Pengu San, Penguinlovor, pepito, Pez Candy, Phategg, Phocis, piglover, Pizzelated, PLBe, Pokemon9224, PotatSlayer, Pranny, pugsdreams24, QuackerBarrel, QueenLey28, Rain0wz, Rainbow, Randysaurus Rex, Raspberry, RbA, RedBoiCaesar, Ripper345, Robodudet, robsob2006, rococobasilisk, Rockuczi, Roonie, RossomeBob123, Ryn, Ryven, Salamander, Sallymeow1, Saradipity, Satan, SawyerKite, Schrodingers, Scout, Shaneacito, Sirplus1881, Skycopper, Smeargaleo, SmeelyKid, SmolBork, SmolNyxx, Smug, Snazzybirds, Sock, Son of the light, Soul, Sparky01, Speedwagon, Spicy Scarlet, Spacey_123, Squawck, Squiddy, Stoids, StormWingss, strawberry water, Sushi, Swankypants, Snowy Panda, Swingin Jump, Takuomi, TargetAngel, That One Kid, TheFastBowler, theholydaddy, TheSundownVent, Thunder, TKum_, ToxicRose36, UglyRat2648, UmbreonTheSnekQueen, Valentino, ValkyrieLena6, Vezzy, virtintin, WADDLES, WewanntRonald, Whack, Whipper, William 4401, Witchgoblin, Wittle Ewady, xCandyApple_, Xeno_Nova, xxMario, Xiu, Xyrill, Yikes, Yupi, yurilimer69, ZacdaPenguin, Zinnia, ZipZapZoop, Zooperdooper