The RNM Contest Team has returned once more but this time we need your help. With Flash being 6 feet under, Club Penguin has been transitioning to new homes but it hasn’t all been a smooth ride. Time to put on your thinking hats because we are bringing back the Scavenger hunt! Read on to find out more!
During this confusing and transitioning time, the Federation has been looking for new places to waddle on and Fight The Good Fight. However, this quest has not come without obstacles. In the process of moving, HCOM has misplaced a handful of items on a new cpps, Club Penguin Chapter 2 and they need your help to find them.
For this contest, you will need to look for clues within the post, to be able to unlock the riddle.
Sunday – Clue 7
While F6sixer was browsing the internet safely (because he read the safety guide!) F6 came across a website with a cryptic message! The only words on the web page were:
Hey Caesar, three letters back. shuirupdqfh
Under the two strange sentences was a link! After activating his VPN (see safety guide!) F6 followed the link here!
Contest Rules:
– Troops are allowed to work in groups of up to 4 people but working alone is accepted.
– All items are located on Club Penguin Chapter 2 so you must have an account to be able to participate. You can make a free account here
– Sharing solutions/locations with people outside of your team is prohibited.
– Answers must be submitted through a DM to any member of the Contest Team, either with the name of the item and location or with a screenshot of your penguin/team in game next to the item. You can find a list of the members if you do .inrole contests in #bots.
– No daily deadline for each riddle (you can submit them all at once or one by one on any day you’d like) but all answers must be submitted by January 17th
– Feel free to reach out to a member of the Contest Team for clues.
Monday – Clue 1
While trying to calculate the distance and time it would take the rebels to Iron curtain during AUSIA, Cosmo dropped some of his notes and directions without noticing. Thankfully the notes were not lost as they contain an important clue for one of the missing items, however, in true Rebel fashion, the message is encrypted.
This note is crucial to locating the first item that has gone missing. To unlock the Riddle, click here.
Tuesday – Clue 2
After an early AUSIA event, moon stopped by the Coffee Shop for some hot chocolate. Once she sat down, she noticed a message scribbled onto the table. The message claimed to have information leading to the next item! The note read “The First Of Each Leads To What You Seek”. She then received a mysterious email containing a password protected file… Click here to open the file! (careful, caps matter)
Wednesday – Clue 3
After a long day working at the Coffee Shop, panini went to grab her things and head back to her igloo. She noticed a letter saying one of her belongings were stolen but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. The letter came attached with a puzzle to solve for an encrypted password and an email said to contain a riddle.
Solve the maze and see what word it makes to unlock the riddle here.
Thursday – Clue 4
Brenatto decided to go catch some waves to keep their mind off the missing items. However, when they got to the cove, they saw a note posted on the door of the surf hut. The note contained 3 seemingly unintelligible words:
At the bottom of the note was a link, which you can go to by clicking here (careful, the password is case sensitive). Brenatto thinks that one of these jumbled words may lead to unlocking the next riddle!
Friday – Clue 5

Unscramble the message to unlock the riddle here
Saturday – Clue 6

Click here to log onto the computer and unlock the next clue!
Good luck to everyone! Don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of the Contest Team if you have any questions!
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