RNM Work Message Content Results – [21/03/2025]

What’s good rebels! After the unfortunate shut down of Rebel Bot’s economy in 2024, we’re excited to finally announce Rebel Bot’s newly revamped economy module! To go along with the announcement, the RNM Contest Team would like to share some of the new .work messages added to Rebel Bot from the Work Message Contest! Thank you to everyone that participated, the team really enjoyed looking through all the submissions, but alas, there could’ve only been three winners!

In FIRST place, winning Amazing Author & 5000 rebel cash is…


Loss: “One of the HCOM changed their server nickname and you mixed up who was who. Don’t worry, they’ll never let you live it down :)”

In SECOND place, winning 3750 rebel cash is…


Win: “You’re the first person to enter the room during a battle, helping RPF to win that room.”

In THIRD place, winning 2500 rebel cash is…


Win: “While jet packing you missclick a button, and crash into JPG making you both fall out the sky, be glad for parachutes!”

Honourable Mentions


Loss: Loss: You hear fishing on the server ice breaker gives you a higher chance of catching the gray mullet, so you log on to try your luck & spend 5 hours fishing to no avail.


Win: Fast like Flash, you were the first to comment on the post


Win: You were the first one to complete 6 weekly Tuxedo Times challenge puzzles and got to show off the new role! You earned

Congratulations to everyone that won, and thank you again to everyone that submitted. We hope you enjoyed working on your submissions, as much as we did reading through them all, and until next time…

T_T | General

~ RNM Contest Team ~

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