RPF Summer Olympics 2021

The long-awaited Summer Olympics is finally here! You’ve all waited so patiently, and we are pleased to announce that this year’s Olympics will be held from August 21st, 2021 – August 27th 2021!

For those who don’t know what the Olympics are, every Rebel is randomly separated into four teams. These teams compete in various mini-games throughout the upcoming week such as Cart Surfer, Pizzatron, Dance Contest, etc.

There are points awarded for first, second, and third place. Every time you win a game, you earn points for your team! The statistics are updated on the scoreboard so be sure to check that out to keep an eye out on which team is winning!

We will be hosting our Olympics on Club Penguin Rewritten as it’s never been done before, and we wanted to test it out! Please be sure to create an account here if you don’t already have one.

This Summer, the theme is Percy Jackson and the Olympians!

Behind the scenes RPF HCOM members have been working very hard to put together these teams, so we really hope you like them!

The 2021 RPF Summer Olympics Teams are as follows:

(named after a Greek translation of the sword used by character Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon)

Team Captain: F6Sixer

(named after a Greek translation of the knife used by character Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena)

Team Captain: Elexonck

(named after a Greek translation of the shield used by character Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus)

Team Captain: Brenatto

(named after a Greek translation of the word “herald,” as well as the staff of Hermes, the father of character Luke Casetellan)

Team Co-Captains: Penho & Link3000

Click here to find out which team you are on!
Once you know which team you’re on, click here to find your uniform! Good luck everyone!


Introducing a couple new individual roles to work for during the Olympics!

Team MVP – Think of this as similar to a Troop of the Week, but for your team in the Olympics! Each team captain will be on the lookout for spirited troops within their teams who compete, hype, and comment on tournament posts for their team.

Rebel Olympian – Attend any 5 Olympic tournaments with your team PLUS either the Opening or Closing Ceremony to receive this special role.

Shoutout to my awesome PPC co-leader Lanie for the incredible graphics!

Special thanks to Crazzy for her advice and guidance on this project!

Avril, Lanie, Elexonck, Brenatto, Penho, Yoda, Z3ming, Jaeun, Princhi, F6Sixer, Link3000


Making friends, collecting stamps, and having fun!

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