RPF Winter Olympics 2019

Rebel Penguin Federation Winter Olympics 2019

The long-awaited Winter Olympics are finally here! You’ve all waited so patiently and we are pleased to announce that this year’s Olympics will open on December 15th, 2019.

For those of you who don’t know what the Olympics are: every troop is randomly separated into four teams. These four teams compete in various mini-games throughout the upcoming week such as; Sled Racing, Card Jitsu, Find Four, etc. There are points for first, second and third place. Every time you win a game, you earn points for your team to help them win the Olympics! The statistics are updated on the scoreboard so be sure to check that out to keep an eye out on who is winning.

We host our Olympics on Penguin Oasis as it allows us to use a variety of costumes. Make sure to create an account if you don’t already have one as during the Olympics all events will be held on Penguin Oasis and not Club Penguin Rewritten.

Just like the Summer Olympics, we decided to choose another fun movie theme! This year, the theme of our Winter Olympics is Nightmare Before Christmas! Behind the scenes HCom have been working very hard to put together these teams and costumes, so we really hope you love them.
The 2019 RPF Winter Olympics Teams are as follows:


Team Captain: Ultipenguinj


Team Co-Captains: Redweeb and Starship


Team Captain: Cosmo


Team Captain: Plane

Click here to find out what team you are on!
Once you know which team you’re on, press here to find your uniform.


What up boi | Proud to be a rebel | FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT!

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